Proven Wanprestasi, East Jakarta District Court Kabulkan Sumbatan Supply CPO Ke Perusahaan Agribusiness Astra Senilai Rp56 M

The East Jakarta Court granted part of PT Mas Lestari Perkasa's lawsuit against Astra's agribusiness company regarding the default in the procurement of CPO oil worth IDR 56 billion.

Launching the SIPP page of the East Jakarta District Court regarding cases number 90 / Pdt.G / 2024 / PN JKT.TIM, PT Astra Argo Lestari and two of its subsidiaries are obliged to pay in stages.

"So coincidentally on October 15, 2024, the court has handed down a verdict against Astra Argo Lestari and her two subsidiaries. For the lawsuit that our client filed," said PT Mas attorney Anthony Djono in Jakarta, Saturday, October 19. 2024

Anthony explained that the chronology of yabf's default was detrimental to his client starting from the contract agreement for cooking oil suppliers or palm oil (CPO) from 2019 to 2021.

Initially, the business ran smoothly for a year. However, on the way, PT AAL suddenly stopped the unilateral cooperation agreement.

"So our client is an oil supplier for Palm Oil or CPO from PT Astra Argo Lestari and its subsidiary since 2019-2021 and running smoothly. Starting from the dispute, October 2021. If you remember that around 2021 there had been a very significant decrease in CPO, maybe Astra feels that if the contract with our client is still being implemented, it might cause a loss," explained Anthony.

"But the problem is that the contracts that have been carried out by our clients are simply ignored or not recognized or not implemented," he explained.

Anthony said that his client had invited the defendant to solve this default problem well. The peaceful effort has also been made several times but has received no positive response from the defendant.

"Our talent initially persuasively held a meeting so that the Astra party carried out the contract. Even because we did not achieve an agreement to appoint us, and we have made summons 3 times. Because it was not heeded, so we filed this lawsuit," he explained.

Material and immaterial losses

For the cancellation of this contract, PT Mas Lestari Perkasa suffered a big loss. The loss caused by the default of PT AAL made the purchase of 11 Thousand Tons of CPO become chaotic.

"First, because we have received a contract of 11 thousand tons, of course, to fulfill the contract, we need to shop with third parties. Because we are a trading company and have been shopping, but Astra does not admit a contract. So our clients are forced to buy from other parties," he said.

As a result, PT Mas, said Anthony, was forced to sell CPO oil which had already been purchased at a low price. As a result, the company lost money.

"Forced to have spent from other parties, we sell cheap or sell capital. Many also lose, so what we claim is leasing. What we should sell to astra is how much, with the capital we buy. That was granted by the panel of judges Rp52 billion," he said.

The cancellation of the contract also caused PT Mas to lose money because it had already rented a place to accommodate 11 thousand tons of CPO.

The total loss of renting the place reached nearly Rp1 billion.

"The second loss that the Panel of Judges admits is because we have bought a CPO automatically, we have to rent a place to accommodate or lease the term tank. That was granted as much as Rp960 million and the third loss that was granted was the transportation fee through a contract with transportation services and was granted Rp2,980,000,000," he concluded.

In addition, the defendant was also sentenced to pay Rp. 100 million as forced money if one of the defendants did not carry out the decision.

"Punishing the Defendants to pay forced money (dwangsom) of Rp. 100,000,000 every day to the Plaintiffs, every Defendant or one of the Defendants failed to carry out the contents of this decision," the verdict read.