2024 People's Market Festival: Push For Automotive Transactions At Legi Market Solo

SOLO - The 2024 People's Market Festival (FPR) which will take place at Legi Solo Market on 19-20 October 2024 offers various interesting programs that focus on supporting the local and automotive economy.

In this festival, PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance, Tbk. (Adira Finance), together with PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon), and PT Zurich General Takaful Indonesia (Zurich Syariah) participated in promoting non-cash transactions in the market and providing education and financial literacy to traders.

"As a company that focuses on local economic development, we want to create shared value to improve the welfare of traders and communities in Solo. Through this activity, we hope to encourage people to return to the people's market, making it a center for social, economic and cultural activities. In the spirit of togetherness, we also involve employees, to actively participate in the FPR. This involvement is a tangible manifestation, not only as a company, but also the entire team contributes to realizing a SEJAHTERA (Health, Green, Clean, and Maintained) market as well as supporting the strengthening of the local economy, "explained Director Adira Finance Swandajani Gunadi, through his official statement, Saturday, October 19.

Adira Finance presents a vehicle financing program, including a light down payment promo (DP) for the purchase of motorbikes and cashbacks of up to IDR 400 thousand for consumers who apply for electricity bicycle financing. In addition, Adira Finance offers cashback of up to IDR 1.5 million for cash loans with BPKB guarantees, as well as cashback for the application for Umrah financing. This initiative aims to increase consumer transactions and interest in the automotive products offered.

FPR 2024 also provides vehicle test ride facilities for visitors who are interested in trying out the latest motorcycle products. With this facility, visitors can experience driving directly before deciding to buy. This is one of the efforts to introduce automotive products and increase sales in this sector.

To attract the younger generation, this festival also holds a creative video competition with the theme #SahabatPasarRakyat as well as other activities such as mural photo competitions. Thus, Pasar Legi is expected to not only become a center of economic activity, but also an interesting place for people to interact and be creative, especially in appreciating the automotive sector which plays an important role in the economy.

Zurich Syariah at this festival plays a role in providing education about insurance protection for traders and visitors. In addition, they also support the revitalization initiative of more modern and environmentally friendly market facilities. This step is in line with efforts to strengthen the competitiveness of market traders with better services.

In supporting automotive, Adira Finance took advantage of the 2024 FPR moment to introduce financing products that can be accessed by the people of Solo and its surroundings. With various promos and discounts, Adira Finance hopes to reach more consumers and strengthen its presence in the automotive financing sector in Central Java.

FPR 2024 is not just a festival, but also an event for Adira Finance, Danamon, and Zurich Syariah to collaborate in encouraging local economic growth, especially in supporting the automotive industry and strengthening the financing sector which is their mainstay.