World Contraception Day: Injection Contraception Research For Men, New Contraception Choice?

JAKARTA - Male participation in being the acceptor of family planning is still considered to be lacking due to the lack of choice of methods and contraceptives available. However, contraceptive technology has now developed rapidly. One of them is by research on contraceptive injections in men.

The contraceptive technology has grown rapidly in recent decades. Innovation in this contraceptive method aims not only to increase effectiveness, but also to emphasize safety, comfort and ease of use, and minimize side effects," said Acting Head of BKKBN Dr. Sundoyo, SH, MKM, M. Hum in his remarks at the National Seminar commemorating World Contraception Day.

BKKBN will continue to communicate with BPJS so that the Male Operations Method (MOP)/Vaccination can be included in the benefits of National Health Insurance (JKN) to increase the participation of male family planning.

"Now the problem is that if MOP is an option and there are no medical indications, this cannot be claimed and paid by JKN. So, this must be our common concern. This must be our common task in order to contracept the choice of this man as well as part of the benefits of JKN. If that is the case, there will be an increase in the vasexomi method chosen by men," he said.

He also realized that the choice of contraception for men in Indonesia available was still limited to the Male Operations Method (vasctomy) and condoms.

At this seminar, the latest research presented by Prof. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, SubspcSAAM related to new innovations in men's contraception Namely, the provision of androgen-progestin combinations through injections in men.

Clinical trials were carried out on 20 fertile healthy male volunteers who were randomly divided into two groups. The first group was injected 100mg DMPA+100mg TE each month for four months. The second group was injected 200mg DMPA + 250 md TE each month for four months, "he explained.

The results of the study showed that there was an azoospermia between the third and fourth months after starting to be injected. He also called this method a Reversible Azoospermia where spermtozoa cells will appear slowly again on the acceptor after two months the injection was stopped.

"Tysteron levels return to normal in the fourth month after injections are stopped," he added.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Family Planning and Health Reproduction of the Indonesian BKKBN, Dr. Drs. Wahidin, M.Kes when closing this seminar said that contraceptive research on men can be a policy, especially in BKKBN. However, further research is still needed before mass production.

"Indeed, this (KB injection in men) is not the initial research. So, research is only one step away from production," said Wahidin.

According to him, if there is further research involving more samples, it will certainly be a new policy as an option in contraception in men other than MOP and condoms.

The next research also involved not only BKKBN, but also BRIN and the Great Contraception Association (PKMI).

Apart from Prof. Wimpie, another resource person from PKMI is Dr. dr. Herbert Situmorang, SPOG (K) and dr. Sakti Ronggowardhana Brodjonegoro, Sp.U (K).

Thanks To Vasektomi's Advantages

Doctor Sakti Ronggowardhana Brodjonegoro, Sp.U (K) who is an urologist specialist explained the fact of the vasectomi's superiority for men.

"High effectiveness to protect pregnancy is 0.15% or 1-2 pregnant wives from 1,000 people whose husbands are vasectomi. There are no deaths and the morbidity rate is low, the cost is cheaper because there is only one action."

"The short procedure is only 15-45 minutes, does not interfere with libido and the quality of sexual intercourse, is not permanent or can be reconnected or partnered, and there are fewer complaints compared to other contraceptions," he said.

Vasektomi, according to her, has no negative impact on sexual performance and libido. Sexual functions such as erection, ejaculation, and orgasm persist and will not change after the vasexomi.

"Testosteron is still produced in normal and stable levels as before," he added.

Meanwhile, according to Dr. Dr. Herbert Situmorang, SPOG (K) trends in MOP/Vasektomy participation have decreased. Two participation trends (Women's Operations Methods) in the last five years have increased, while MOP participation trends in the last five years have decreased," he said.

Based on Routine Statistics Data from 2017 - 2021, the percentage of MOP participation in 2017 is 0.16%. In 2021 it will decrease to 0.47%

MOP and MOW are also called fixed contraception. In his presentation, Dr. Herbert also explained a number of benefits of MOW.

MOW is the most economical and effective contraceptive method, avoiding high-risk pregnancies, not causing hormonal side effects, no need for control to doctors/hospitals, once in a lifetime, and preventing egg cancer," he continued.