Moeldoko's Team Does Not Like 3 Options From Andi Mallarangeng, Suggests SBY's To Form The Cikeas Family Party Only

JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of the Democrat Party led by Moeldoko responded to Andi Mallarangeng's three options. The Moeldoko team admits that it is 'not like' the choice proposed by the Secretary of the High Council of the Democrat Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), regarding the continuation of the mercy party.

The spokesperson for the Democratic Party, Muhammad Rahmad, considered Andi Mallarangeng's first option to offer an exit strategy was an offer that characterized a coward, wishy-washy, indecisive, and dishonest or traitor.

"We are not in the mood for the option presented by Andi Mallarangeng, the former party secretary-general who did not pass the verification who later joined the Democratic Party. Because Mr. Moeldoko is a true knight and soldier who has been tested, dares to take risks and responsibilities, and protects his subordinates in all situations," said Rahmad in a statement received by VOI, Monday, April 5.

Instead, Rahmad gave the former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) a choice. According to him, Moeldoko would open his hands if Andi needed help.

"If Andi Mallarangeng needs a discussion partner, needs protection, he needs a boss who does not sacrifice his subordinates, Mr. Moeldoko opens a wide path for Andi Mallarangeng," he said.

Then the second option is about forming a new party, Rahmad also invited the AHY team to realize Andi's offer.

"We, together with the founding figures of the Democrat Party, who previously founded the party in 2001, have invited SBY to form a new party," he said.

Rahmad also reminded SBY not to take over ownership of the Democratic Party from the founders by tricking the Regional Executive Board (DPD) and Branch Executive Board (DPC) officials in the name of democracy.

"It is up to SBY to give him what name. Some have suggested that they be named the CCP (Cikeas Family Party)," said Rahmad.

Meanwhile, with regard to Andi's third option, which offered a step through the court, Rahmad considered it an attractive and serious offer to carry out.

According to Rahmad, the 2020 Democratic Party Article of Association/Bylaws which made SBY the sole ruler in the party was against the Political Party Law which was signed by SBY himself when he became President.

Not only that said Rahmad, but even the names of 98 founders were also removed from the history of the establishment of the Democratic Party in Article of Association/Bylaws 2020 and only one founder was taken.

"This is certainly very interesting to be analyzed in court and witnessed by millions of Indonesians and the world," he said.

According to Rahmad, the public also deserves to know how the concept of democracy is actually upheld and practiced by SBY. The public, he said, could also test the democratic party manifesto which "he said" was clean, smart, and polite.

"What SBY is always buzzing about during the campaign when leading the party and even today. The public also deserves to know openly whether SBY really became the founder of the Democratic Party or not," he said.

Rahmad expressed his gratitude to Andi for providing the right advice to reveal the real democracy within the Democratic Party.

"Mr. Moeldoko and the DPP Democrat Party would like to thank Andi Malarangeng for giving the right advice to return the Democratic Party to the people, become an open party, and really fight for the interests of the people," Rahmad added.