7 Natural Drinks That Can Help Sleep Nyenyak, Without Side Effects

YOGYAKARTA - Who doesn't want to sleep well after all day of activities? If you often have trouble sleeping, try to change habits before bed.

One way you can do this is by consuming natural drinks or herbs that can help improve sleep quality.

Reporting from the Intermountain Healthcare page, here are some drinks that can make your sleep sound:

Over the years, warm milk has been used as a traditional way to help sleep, and is still a popular choice to date.

Although an article in the New York Times mentions that scientific evidence to support this habit is not enough, many people believe that warm milk can help.

This is because milk contains triptofans, amino acids that after consumption are converted into melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate natural sleep.

Triptofan is also found in high-carbohydrate foods, which makes us feel sleepy after eating big.

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almond milk can be another alternative to ease sleep. Research shows that healthy levels of serotonin in the brain play an important role in starting sleep influenced by triptofans and present in almond milk and cow milk.

almond milk is also rich in magnesium, an important mineral that can improve sleep quality.

Drinks like Ovaltine or other malt milk are known to help sleep. Malt milk contains vitamins B, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium, which is the perfect combination to help the body relax before bedtime.

Valirian roots have long been used as a natural medicine to reduce anxiety and stimulate calm. Now, valarians are often used to help overcome sleep disorders, especially insomnia.

Usually, valarians are combined with other herbs such as lemon balm and hops which also help lead to drowsiness. However, valarians can cause dependence if used too often.

Green tea, famous for its benefits in weight loss, can also help sleep if consumed in caffeineless form.

Green tea also contains theane, an amino acid that helps reduce stress and supports sound sleep.

While caffeine in regular green tea can interfere with this benefit in the morning, the deconfeination version can be the right choice before bedtime.

Like warm milk, chamomile tea is a natural solution to help sleep. Over the years, experts have recommended chamomile as a cure for those experiencing insomnia.

This tea is also calming, caffeine-free, and often consumed to relieve tensions. Some people also combine chamomile with other natural supplements, such as magnesium to increase its effect.

Nutritionless herbal tea, especially when combined with lemon balm, can be the ideal solution for sound sleep. Lemon balm, also known as mint balm, is effective in reducing stress, overcoming insomnia, and supporting better sleep.

To make this concoction enough to wash about 10 lemon balm leaves, add it to boiling water, let it absorb for five minutes, then add honey before drinking.

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