Alleged Misappropriation Of Kudus PCNU Grant Funds, Kejari Leave The Legal Process To The Inspectorate

JATENG - The case of alleged misappropriation of the budget for the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) branch management grant Kudus was transferred to the Inspectorate by the Head of the Kudus District Attorney's Office (Kejari).

"The handover of further handling of the grant fund case, after we conducted an investigation and the recipient of the grant also made a return whose value reached Rp1.6 billion," said Kajari Kudus Henriyadi W Putro in Kudus, Thursday, October 10, as reported by Antara.

Putro said the refund was also handed over to the regional treasury through the Regional Revenue Planning and Operations Division of the Regional Revenue, Financial and Asset Management Agency.

Because the grant funds used were also deemed not in accordance with the designation, he said, eventually there were three returns, with a total value of around Rp. 1.6 billion.

Sebesar itu, ada yang digunakan untuk kegiatan umrah, sosialisasi, pembangunan sarana dan prasarana. Sedangkan nomenklatur dalam penerimaan dana hibahnya untuk pembangunan NU Center.

"For this reason, we return it to the Kudus Inspectorate as the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) for further handling in September 2024," he said.

According to him, law enforcement will not continue until the trial process.

He hopes that the case will become a lesson for all parties, that in receiving grant funds, it must be clear that the budget plan (RAB) is used for any program.

"When it is clear, of course, in use it does not deviate. At least with the events in the PCNU organization it can be a precaution in managing the budget, whether the regional government budget in each regional apparatus organization (OPD) or the budget in the form of grants given to other parties," he said.

The PCNU of Kudus Regency previously deposited IDR 1.32 billion which was handed over by the Chairman of PCNU Kudus for the management of the NU Kudus grant fund in 2023, which amounted to IDR 5.5 billion.

Previously, the mass organization also deposited a sum of Rp129.13 million to the Kudus Inspectorate on May 15, 2024. The Kudus Prosecutor's Office also conducted an examination. Not long after, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) conducted a routine audit and found additional additions from the first deposited.

This value is the result of a calculation from the BPK on the accountability report made by PCNU on the use of grant funds from the Kudus Regency Government amounting to Rp5.5 billion, that it was found that there was an alleged use of money that was not in accordance with the regional grant agreement (NPHD) script.

Based on the BPK's findings, PCNU then returned the amount of funds by entrusting them to the Kudus Kejari.