10 Armed Ethnic Forces Support Federal Democracy Charter And Abolition Of Myanmar Military Constitution

JAKARTA - The Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) of 10 ethnic armed organizations that signed the national ceasefire agreement, reiterated their support for acts of civil disobedience (CDM), the Federal Democracy Charter, and the abolition of the 2008 Constitution drafted by the Myanmar military.

In addition, the PPST also urged the Myanmar military regime, calling itself the Council of State Administration (SAC), to stop arbitrary killings and detentions, to release all detained leaders.

As of Sunday 4 March, at least 557 people had died during rallies against Myanmar's military coup, including children. According to Save The Children, at least 43 children have died as a result of the brutality of the Myanmar military.

The Head of PPST who is also the Chair of the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) emphasized that his party would stand with all people from all walks of life to oppose the Myanmar military coup.

"The regime council must be held responsible for the more than 500 civilians killed by its troops. To overcome this political crisis, we all have to work in various ways," General Yawd Serk said in a virtual weekend discussion, reported The Irrawaddy.

The PPST also demands that the military regime stop atrocities against unarmed civilians. According to PPST Spokesperson Dr. Salai Lian Hmong Sakhong, his party will support the CDM to continue to oppose the military regime.

"We all support the announcement of the CRPH which abolishes the 2008 Constitution and its Federal Democratic Charter. The principles of the charter reflect the long-standing demands of ethnic minorities," said Dr. Smoked.

It is feared that the support from PPST will increase open conflicts in various places in Myanmar, between the military and armed ethnic soldiers. The conditions that have occurred in Myanmar over the past seven decades.

Since last February, PPST has emphasized that it will not carry out political negotiations, as long as the civil administration results from the 2020 General Election are held. PPST members, including the RCSS and the Karen National Union (KNU), have played host to civil society rallies.

"Whether fighting erupts depends on the response of the regime council. On our side, we do not want war, but peace. (However) the council's actions deride our peace process," stressed Dr. Smoked.

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in that one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news covering the Myanmar military coup by clicking this link.