KLHK Awards 20 Producers For Implementation Of Waste Reduction

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) gave awards to 20 manufacturers who succeeded in implementing a waste reduction roadmap. This step supports the national waste management target and shows the commitment of the industrial sector in reducing waste.

In the Appreciation for the Implementation of the Roadmap for Waste Reduction by a producer held in Jakarta on Monday (undisclosed date), the Director General of Waste Management, Waste, and Hazardous Toxic Materials (PSLB3) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Rosa Vivien Ratnawati, stated that this appreciation is an effort to strengthen the implementation of the Ministerial Regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Number P.75 of 2019 concerning Roadmap for Waste Reduction by Producers.

"We appreciate the manufacturers who have taken concrete steps in reducing waste, especially from the products and packaging they produce. This is in line with the national target to reduce producer waste by 30 percent," said Rosa Vivien in a written statement received Tuesday, October 8.

The regulation requires manufacturers in the manufacturing, food and beverage services, and retail sectors to reduce waste from their products. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry noted that until August 2024, out of 556 manufacturers who have received technical training, 95 manufacturers already have accounts to prepare a roadmap for reducing waste. Of these, 52 manufacturers have sent documents, but have not received approval, while 21 manufacturers have received approval and are ready to implement their plans.

Of the 20 producers who succeeded in implementing the waste reduction roadmap, 18 of them came from the manufacturing sector, while the remaining two came from retail. Until now, producers in the food and beverage services sector have not compiled and sent their roadmap documents.

"We continue to encourage cooperation with producers to solve waste problems collectively. Waste is not only the responsibility of the government or local governments, but also all parties, including producers," added Rosa Vivien.

The event was held thanks to support from the European Union (EU), KFW Development Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the National Coordination Team for Handling Marine Waste.