After Slashing The Victim, 3 Sadistic Robbers Made Not Moved By Banjar Police Buser

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Banjar Police, South Kalimantan Police, has uncovered cases of theft with violence or robbery.

"We have arrested three perpetrators, namely MS, MF and FR," said Banjar Deputy Police Chief Commissioner Faisal Amri Nasution in Martapura, Banjar Regency, Sunday, October 6.

He explained that the three perpetrators rode motorbikes and carried sharp weapons. They swung sharp weapons at the victim with the aim of seizing other people's belongings.

The chronology of the incident began when the victim was about to return home on Jalan Tanjung Rema, Martapura and the perpetrator MS, who passed the victim, swung a sharp 40 cm long sickle, resulting in the victim suffering a wound to the finger of his right hand. However, the victim managed to escape from the attack.

Not long after the incident, other victims met the perpetrators who also swung a sharp machete of 45 cm.

The victim fell from a black and white Honda Scoopy motorcycle, the motorcycle was then seized by the perpetrator MS.

Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators, MF and FR, fled using the perpetrator's own Vario motorbike. Due to this incident, the victim immediately reported the incident to the Banjar Police.

"Reports from the victim, we immediately took steps such as receiving reports, processing crime scenes (TKP), examining witnesses, and confiscating evidence," he said.

Age the police received the report, members immediately went to the field to conduct an investigation. Not long after, the three perpetrators were arrested.

"We secured evidence of the proceeds of the crimes of the perpetrators, including one unit of a black and white Honda Scoopy motorcycle, one unit of a black Honda Vario motorcycle (the perpetrator's origin), one sharp weapon of the type of machete and one sharp weapon of the type of sickle," he said.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence, with a maximum penalty of 12 years.