Vocational Parade At JMWF 2025: 12 SPV, 72 Beautiful Looks

JAKARTA - For three consecutive years, the vocational education unit was present at the Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW) event.

At JMFW 2025 this time, 12 vocational education units will demonstrate 72 clothing looks in the Postasi Adibusana' Parade.

The work produced by young vocational designers reflects the strength of collaboration, creativity, and expertise to develop modest fashion in Indonesia.

In accordance with the JMFW 2025 theme, each vocational education unit will contribute to the theme "Mark-Ink", symbolizing Indonesia's footprint in international fashion through works that combine tradition and innovation.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Saryadi, revealed that the participation of vocational votes for three years at JMFW is clear evidence that vocational education is driving the fashion industry with a focus on creativity and practical skills.

Vocational education continues to foster and print a generation of designers in the future, ensuring that Indonesia remains at the forefront of the world's modest fashion industry through an adaptive curriculum.

All collections that will be displayed at the JMFW parade will have gone through a rigorous process of curation from curators from practitioners and academics. With the passing of the design curation, it is clear evidence that the curriculum applied in the vocational education unit is relevant and in line with industrial demand, even the international JMFW standard, "said Saryadi, in a written statement, Sunday, October 6.

Direktur Kemitraian dan Penalamasan Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri Kemendikbudristek, Adi Nuryanto menambahkan, keikutan satuan satuan pendidikasi pada gelaran JMFW tidak hanya memberikan pengalaman berharga bagi pelajar, tetapi juga telah memberikan dampak berupa peningkatan kemitraan satuan pendidikasi dengan industri fashion. Setidaknya dari JMFW dua tahun sebelumnya, lebih dari 30 kerja sama sudah terbentang.

"This cooperation is in various forms, not only in the form of products, but also in various activities, such as preparation of curriculum, industrial practitioners who teach, training, and so on," said Adi.

On the same occasion, Director of the Export Development of Services and Creative Products of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), Merry Maryati appreciated the commitment of vocational education in supporting Indonesia as the world's modest fashion center. According to him, JMFW is a stage that brings together the creativity of local designers with a global vision.

Through collaboration between the Indonesian government, local designers, and international stakeholders, JMFW is here as a tangible manifestation of efforts to bring Indonesian fashion modests to the world. Not just a fashion show, but a movement towards a future fashion with a sustainable, stylish, and innovative design," he said.

The vocational parade at JMFW 2025 will take place on Saturday, October 12 at ICE BSD, Tangerang. In the parade, stunning work will be displayed from the vocational education unit, namely from complicated patchwork techniques to futuristic displays.

This year's vocational collection is not only about fashion, but also a statement of sustainability, cultural heritage, and design innovation. These young talents show that fashion is more than just aesthetics but a form of expression of social and environmental impacts.

One of the JMFW 2025 participants came from SMKN 1 Salatiga. Their collection was named 'Sandstorm'. Salatiga SMKN 1 fashion style teacher, Leny Eka Damayanti explained, the collection was inspired by futuristic fashion with a desert spirit inspired by Dune.

The following is a collection of 12 vocational education units that will compete in the Administrative Vocational Services Headquarters Parade Adibusana:

Lupiya Patchwork - SMKN 1 Bintan Timur Touches Blue - SMK Negeri 1 PelaihariSarang Laba-Laba - SMKN 1 PrinapusSandstorm - SMKN 1 SalatigaFame - SMK Negeri 1 TengaranBetter on Saturn - SMKN 1 Turen Estilo Gypsy - SMKN 2 Temanggung Simphoni Manokwari - SMK Negeri 3 Manokwari Kanas Sarigading -SMKN 4 BanjarmasinKato Nan Ampek - SMKN 6 PadangRefulgent - Indonesian Art Institute Yogyakarta Military Soul - SMK Negeri 3 Cimahi