Prisoners In Rohul Desperately Jump From Car To River When Taken To Prison

A drug detainee from the Rokan Hulu (Rohul) Police who had been handed over to the public prosecutor (JPU) of the Rohul District Attorney (Kejari) managed to escape after jumping from the car to Batang Lubuh River, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau, Wednesday afternoon.

Prisoners with the initials AS escaped by jumping from the bridge onto the river with their hands still handcuffed. The incident occurred when a prisoner's car escorted by two Rohul Police Narcotics Unit personnel was on their way to the Class IIB Pasir Pengaraian Correctional Institution (Lapas) to entrust the detainee.

Rohul Police Chief AKBP Budi Setiono said that while the car was on the Batang Lubuh River bridge, the US suspect took a reckless action by opening the left door of the car and jumping into the river.

"We are still searching and working on the detainees. The suspect fled by jumping into the river," said AKBP Budi Setiyono, Friday, October 4.

AKBP Budi explained that the incident occurred after two Rohul Police Narcotics Unit personnel finished carrying out the task of handing over the suspect's responsibilities and evidence (Pahap II) and the case file was declared complete (P-21) by the Prosecutor's Office of Rohul.

"At that time, the Public Prosecutor asked for help from the Narcotics Unit personnel to take the detainee to the Class II B Pasir Pengaraian Prison. Right above the Batang Lubuh River bridge, the prisoner jumped into the river and swam along the river," he explained.

Not standing still, two personnel from the Rohul Police Narcotics Unit who were escorting tried to chase the suspect following the river, but the prisoner was not found.

Currently, the Rohul Police Chief and his staff are still at the location to comb through the escape of the detainees by deploying more personnel. In addition, the two suspected drug Unit personnel will undergo the examination process.

"Against the two Drug Sat personnel, we will carry out an investigation process, if later it is proven that they have taken actions that are not in accordance with the SOP, we will process them firmly, both criminally and according to the existing regulations. We, the Rohul Police, are trying our best to help the Rohul Prosecutor's Office to search for the suspect," he said.