Moeldoko, Coordinating Ministry For The Economy And FAO Create A Program For Young Farmers

JAKARTA - Dr. Moeldoko as Head of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Indonesia and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, officially launched the Indonesian Farmers' Regeneration Program and the World Food Forum (WFF).

This launch was marked by a symbolic signing ceremony and the awarding of placards handed over by the Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Wednesday (2/10). This procession marks the importance of agricultural innovation led by young people for national food security.

Moeldoko said that the corporation of young farmers can be the key to encouraging the younger generation to be interested in becoming farmers.

Young people have an important role in understanding that the agricultural sector provides attractive benefits and great development potential. Especially if it involves the use of technology, then farmers no longer need to get dirty, all of them can use technology," he said.

Dalam sensus pertanian BPS, menyebutkan mayoritas petani Indonesia berusia di atas 55 tahun. Yaitu, petani usia 43-58 tahun sebanyak 42,39%, perkiraan usia 59-77 tahun sebanyak 27,61% dan perkiraan usia 27-42 tahun mencapai 25,6%. Sehingga regenerasi menjadi bagian yang urgent untuk di dorong demi ketahanan pangan nasional.

Moeldoko added that the Farmers' Regeneration Program must be carried out in a multi-stakeholder manner and encouraged together to accelerate its regeneration rate. He emphasized that this program must have a direct impact on increasing the number of young farmers in Indonesia.

"Our source of Farmers' power is getting older. What do we want to eat later if the younger generation doesn't want to become farmers," said Moeldoko.

Deputy for Food and Agribusiness at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Dida Gardera said the farmer regeneration program was also a concern of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy. "The Coordinating Ministry for the Economy supports the farmer regeneration program initiated by KSP through the synergy of several programs from the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy as well as SOEs. Next, a joint platform will be created to synergize various stakeholder programs," he said.

Speaking at the event, FAO Representative Rajendra Aryal said that agriculture is an opportunity field. He added that the younger generation of Indonesia has a bright future in the food and agricultural sectors.

"By participating as one of the future 'Gun Farmers', we can build a future where agriculture develops, innovation encourages progress, and food security is guaranteed for future generations," said Rajendra.

The program developed by KSP will form young farmers who apply several types of agriculture, namely permaccultural, environmentally friendly agriculture, the use of simple technology that is appropriate to smart farming using IOT technology.