Employees Of PO Bus Palak Passengers At Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Lifting Goods Mode

Three thugs abused bus passengers at Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Ciracas, East Jakarta.

In the video footage, the victim admitted that the perpetrator asked for money by bringing and guarding the goods when heading to the waiting room for departure. The victim did not ask for help from the three people because they did not have money.

"Suddenly there were three people who immediately lifted the knife which was just a suitcase (one) and a very light bag, everything was really small," said the victim in the video.

The victim also admitted that it was difficult when he wanted to buy a ticket, because the counter was on the second floor, while the waiting room was on the first floor. So the victim was forced to leave his luggage in the waiting room to the perpetrator.

Hal tersebut dilakukan karena akses menuju lantai dua hanya tangga. Akhirnya, korban memberikan uang Rp10.000 kepada para pelaku, namun uang itu ditolak. Pelaku meminta Rp10.000 untuk masing-masing orang atas layanan membawa dan menjaga barang.

After an investigation was carried out by the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, it was found that the three perpetrators were employees of the Otobus (PO) Company at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal.

"It has been followed up from the authorities. It has also been secured, has been questioned by these 3 people," said Head of Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni when confirmed, Wednesday, October 2.

The three perpetrators are employees of the Otobus Company (PO) which is at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal.

"They are PO employees who are here. We will reprimand the PO," he said.

Yulza appealed that if (the implementation) occurs, it should be reported to the terminal so that it can be followed up immediately.