The Side Effect Of Eating Brem And Its Health Benefits

YOGYAKARTA Brem is one of Indonesia's typical fermented foods that is favored by the public. Regarding these foods, the side effects of eating brem are one of the information that is still widely confused by the public. This is because many cases of health problems are often associated with the impact of megonsuming brems.

Referring to the book Food Production Module for the Household Industry: Dense Brem published by the Indonesian POM, brem is food made of glutinous tape liquid. This means that the food is made from glutinous rice.

Please note that the brem has two shapes, namely solid and liquid. In solid brem the texture is dry. While the taste is between solid and liquid both sweet acidity.

The side effects of eating brem culinary are mentioned in a scientific work entitled The Image of Glukosa Kardar On Brem Drinking Blood In Tanak Embet Barat Hamlet, Batu Layar District, West Lombok Regency in 2016 which was also published in the journal Media of Medical Laboratory Science 2017.

In the article, Bahtiar Rosidi, et al conducted research on glucose levels in the blood of brem addicts.

From the study, the team found that the average glucose level before consuming brem was 116 mg/dl. Meanwhile, the average glucose level of a person after eating brem is 135 mg/dl. That is, one side effect of consuming brem is increasing glucose levels in the blood.

The benefits of eating brems are obtained from various ingredients in the snack. As is known, brem is fermented food. This process makes brems contain very low alcohol. In addition, there are other ingredients that are beneficial for the body.

According to research from the Institute for Nutrition and Food Research in the Netherlands, low-grade alcohol consumed by humans can help minimize the risk of a heart attack. In addition, alcohol also helps reduce the risk of blockage of blood flow in arteries due to inflammation and prevents blood clots.

The slightly brem alcohol content is also able to increase DHEAS (dehydroepiadrosterone). DHEAS helps promote poor blood circulation in the body.

The sugar content in brems can also be a source of energy for the body. Sugar in brems will be processed by the body into glucose which then produces energy. However, it is still recommended to consume brems without excessive. It is feared that too often eating brems will lead to diabetes.

Reporting from the IAIN Bukittinggi website, brem turns out to contain quite high antioxidants. This is based on scientific research published in the journal Food and Nutrition Research'. With the presence of antioxidants in brems, eating these snacks is able to prevent body cells from being damaged by free radicals.

That's information related to the side effects of eating brem. Visit to get other interesting information.