9 BRIN Researchers Enter The List Of Top 2% World Scientists, Karding: Evidence Of Research RI Recognized Globally
Nine researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) are included in Stanford University's list of Top 2% World Scientists. According to member of Commission VII DPR Abdul Kadir Karding, it proves that Indonesia's research is recognized globally.
"This achievement shows that the research results of BRIN scientists have a significant impact and are recognized globally," said Abdul Kadir Karding, Thursday, September 26.
He said, the achievements of the nine BRIN researchers should be a motivation for other researchers in Indonesia to continue to improve the quality of their research.
"This success reflects that BRIN has succeeded in creating a good research ecosystem that produces recognition from the international community," he said.
"This achievement also shows that with dedication and hard work, Indonesian scientists can achieve high achievements," added Karding.
The World Ranking Scientist released by Stanford University and published by Elsevier on September 16, 2024, was obtained for rating using scientific impact-based metric system measurements, including the number of publications, satays, and long-term influence of scientific works produced by researchers in various fields.
There are the top 100,000 scientists based on c-score and the highest 2% percentile in 174 sub-fields of science, with citation data updated until the end of 2023. Of the 150 Indonesian scientists who are included in the For The Single Year Data List category, the nine BRIN researchers are recognized in various fields, namely Geochemicals, Marine Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine.
Karding hopes that their success in penetrating the elite memory must be accompanied by increased facilities for researchers or research in Indonesia.
"Because Indonesian human resources are indeed able to compete in the international arena, it must be supported by the state, including through increased facilities and research costs," said the legislator from the Central Java VI electoral district.
Karding also said that there are several research fields that need to be considered more in the future. Starting from the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and green technology.
Riset in the health sector, including to tackle infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and medical technology, is also very important to develop. Because these research results can improve the quality of life of the community and as an effort to face global health challenges," Karding explained.
The member of the House of Representatives Commission who focuses on research, technology and the environment reminded that innovation and research in various fields are very important for the progress of the Indonesian people. Karding also said that research conducted by researchers could encourage innovation and increase Indonesia's competitiveness in the international world.
"Given the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, research that focuses on sustainability, conservation, and environmentally friendly technology is needed to preserve nature and support sustainable development," he added.
With the improvement of facilities for researchers and research institutions, Karding assessed that this could open up opportunities for the Indonesian government to collaborate with research institutions with international research institutions.
"This really helps Indonesian scientists gain access to wider global resources, technology and networks. That way Indonesia's research results can have more impact and become a reference by developed countries," said Karding.
"We encourage the Government to provide an increase in the budget for research and development with appropriate figures, so that it can compete with developed countries. So scientists are enthusiastic about conducting quality research," he said.
The list of 9 BRIN researchers who are on Stanford's list of Top 2% World Scientists is:
1. Prof. Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, is a major expert researcher at BRIN in the field of disaster research. 2. Dr. Ratih Pangestuti, a major expert researcher at BRIN in the field of technology and food processes.3. Prof. Muhammad Reza Cordova, is a major expert researcher at BRIN in the field of Oceanography. 4. Dr. rer. nat. Andri Frediansyah, is a major expert researcher at BRIN in the field of technology and food processes. 5. Prof. Ahmad Najib Burhani, is a research professor, lead expert researcher and head of the research organization Social Sciences Humaniora BRIN. 6. Rezzy Eko Caraka, S.SI., M.Sc(RE)., Ph.D., is a young expert researcher at the data and information research center of BRIN.7. dr. Zulvikar Syambani Ulhak, Ph.D., is a young expert researcher, research center for preclinical and clinical medicine BRIN.8. Muhammad Adly Rahandi Lubis, S.Hut., Ph.D., is the lead expert researcher at the research center of Biomassa and Bioproduct BRIN.9. Dr. Agung Dwi Laksono, is BRIN's lead researcher in the field of public health Riet.