Maluku Prosecutor's Office Confiscates Corruption Convicted Assets Land For Construction Of The 2017 Aru Health Office Hospital

The Attorney General's Office for land confiscation is an asset of the convict Angelbertus R. alias Kiong in the corruption case of the construction project of the Pratama Marlas Hospital, North Aru District, Maluku.

"Acting as executors are Kajari Kepulauan Aru Sumanggar Siagian along with Kasi Pidsus Sudarmono Tuhulele, Kasi Intel Faisal Adhyaksa and Pidsus staff," said Head of Penkum and Public Relations of the Maluku Attorney General's Office Ardy in Ambon, Wednesday, September 25, confiscated by Antara.

The execution activity was also witnessed by the wife of the convict Selvi Lamongan and his family, the village head, the head of the Neighborhood Association and the local community who were in the neighborhood around the address of the executed land object.

According to him, the execution was carried out in accordance with the decision of the Corruption Court at the Ambon District Court Number 10/pid.sus/TPK/2024/PN.Amb dated June 14, 2024.

In the decision of the corruption case at the Aru Islands Health Office (Dinkes) in 2017, the convict,GGelbertus R. alias Kiong, was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to three months in prison.

The person concerned was also sentenced to pay compensation of Rp2.2 billion and paid a late fine of Rp906,265,000 and this decision has permanent legal force (inkrah).

The convict Angelbertus as the provider and attorney of the Director of PT Era Bangun Sarana was initially named a suspect on Wednesday, (16/8) 2023 based on the Suspect Determination Letter Number: B-1145/Q.q.15/FD.1/08/2023 dated August 16, 2023 by investigators at the Aru Islands Kejari.

In working on the project, it was found that there was a state financial loss of Rp1,847,719,038.98 because the work on the project was not in accordance with the quantity and quality determined in the contract.

The Marlasi Primary Hospital in question is also not completed so it cannot be used for health services for local residents.