Is The Condom Effective In Preventing Sexually Infectious Diseases? This Is The Percentage Of Its Protection Level
YOGYAKARTA - As is well known, condoms are an important tool in preventing unwanted pregnancy and also protecting against sexually transmitted diseases (PMS). However, are condoms effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases?
Reporting from Verywell Health, the use of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted diseases has an effectiveness of up to 98 percent. However, in real life, the effectiveness of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted diseases is only 87 percent.
In fact, this effectiveness is different for various types of sexually transmitted diseases. In a 2004 study in the journal Public Health Reviews, it was found that consistent and appropriate use of condoms could reduce the risk of transmission of various sexually transmitted diseases.
However, the level of protection varies depending on the type of PMS, for example:
Apart from the types of PMS above, there are still some diseases where the risk of transmission cannot be reduced by using condoms during sexual intercourse. Among others as follows:
HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. In fact, the use of condoms cannot provide significant protection in HPV transmission. This is because HPV is transmitted through skin to skin contact.
In fact, quoted from Affinity Health, HPV is the most contagious infection through skin contact. Some types of HPV can be transmitted through skin contact in the genital area that is not covered by condoms.
The bad news is that this virus risks causing several diseases such as genital warts to cervical cancer.
Condoms can provide about 10-50 percent protection against HSV. However, this virus cannot be completely prevented by condoms because it can be transmitted through contact with infected skin, even if lesions are not visible.
This virus can be transmitted through contact in the genital area, anus, or mouth.
Condoms can provide more than 90 percent protection against the clidias and gonores if they are properly and consistently functioned.
However, if there are infections in other areas such as the throat, the risk of transmission still exists even if you use condoms.
In addition, if the condoms are not used properly, are damaged, or regardless during sex, the risk of PMS transmission will be even higher.
This bacterial infection can cause various symptoms, ranging from wounds to serious neurological problems. Syphilics can be transmitted through direct contact with syphilic wounds. These wounds often appear in the areas of the genitals, rectum, or mouth.
Kondomok memberikan perlindungan sekitar 50-71 persen terhadap syfilis jika dimanfaatkan dengan tepat. Namun, luka syfilis dapat muncul pada area yang tidak tertutupi oleh kondeksi, sehingga masih terdapat risiko penularan.
Such is the review of the effectiveness of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. In a more effective and safe prevention, it is better to continue to live a healthy lifestyle that is in accordance with the advice of doctors, especially in sexual activity. Visit to get other interesting information.