Case Of Alleged Corruption In Central Bengkulu Health Center Project, Attorney General's Office Receives 10 SPDP

CENTRAL BENGKULU - The Prosecutor's Office received 10 warrants for the start of an investigation (SPDP) in the alleged corruption case of the construction project of the Central Bengkulu Animal Health Center (Puskeswan) for the 2022 fiscal year.

Head of the Legal Information Section (Penkum) of the Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati), Ristanti Andriani, said that as many as 10 of these orders were SPDP specifically accompanied by four suspects with the status of state civil servants (ASN) and six suspects from third parties.

"It is true that on September 13, 2024, the Bengkulu Special Crime (Pidsus) of the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office has received 10 SPDPs suspected of corruption in planning and physical development of development and rehabilitation activities for Puskeswan for the 2022 fiscal year," he said in Bengkulu, Tuesday, September 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

In the SPDP, it is known that as many as 10 suspects are suspected of violating Articles 2 and 3 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the weighting of corruption junto Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

He explained that currently the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office is still waiting for the submission of the files of the suspects in the alleged corruption case from the research prosecutor for further investigation.

Previously, investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the Bengkulu Police conducted a search at the Central Bengkulu Regency Agriculture Service Office regarding the alleged corruption case.

The search was carried out to collect evidence of corruption in the work of increasing and building Puskeswan buildings and the Office of the Agricultural Counseling Center (BPP) of the Central Bengkulu Regency Agriculture Office for the 2022 fiscal year with a contract value of IDR 3.8 billion which is divided into seven packages of activities.

"Yes, it is true that there was a search at the Agriculture Service. Technically, please ask the team in the field," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Bengkulu Police, Grand Commissioner Pol I Wayan Riko Setiawan.

During the search, Bengkulu Police investigators confiscated a box containing a number of document files related to the activity program and were taken from the Field of Livestock, Agriculture and Administration.

The confiscated files were brought to the Bengkulu Police Headquarters for further investigation.