These 5 Habits Can Close Parental-Child Relations Closer, Anything?

JAKARTA - One of the main ways to improve closeness with children is to spend quality time with them. The time spent together does not have to be long, but the most important thing is the quality of the interaction that occurs. Simple activities such as playing, reading books, or even just chatting can be a valuable moment that strengthens the relationship.

In addition, open and honest communication also plays a vital role in building harmonious relationships. Invite children to talk about their feelings, daily activities, and experience is a good first step. Parents need to listen with full attention without judging, so that their children feel safe expressing themselves.

Consider putting your phone down or taking a break from the computer screen to give your child full attention. When they see that you are their focus, they will feel more supported and listened to.

Quality time is very important for emotional connection. The more often you do something together, the more you will be in line with each other's thoughts, needs, and desires. It's also a great way to practice self-care.

Ideally, these activities will be something children choose or something they know they like, be it:

As adults, parents certainly feel the most knowledgeable. However, when listening with empathy, you create a safe place for your child to express their feelings without fear of the consequences or retaliation. You are a safe place for them.

Ask questions about their hobbies, what are their favorite things at school, what careers they want to pursue, or where they want to travel. It might take some time, but if you try to really get to know them, they might surprise you.

There is no better way to get into a relationship than by trying something you've never done before, together. Experiencing the sensation and joy of a new adventure can create a sense of connectedness because of the vulnerability that is needed when trying new things.