President Zelensky Says Ukraine's 'Plan For Victory' Is Ready

JAKARTA - President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Wednesday a " winning plan" meant to bring peace to Ukraine while keeping the country strong and avoiding all "frozen conflict", has now been completed after many consultations.

Last month, President Zelensky pledged to deliver his plans to United States President Joe Biden, possibly when he attended a hearing of the UN Security Council and General Assembly.

While providing a daily update on preparations for the plan, President Zelensky provided little clue about its contents, suggesting the plan aims to create admissible provisions by Ukraine that have been at war with Russia over the past 2.5 years.

"Today, it can be said our winning plans have been fully prepared. All points, all main focus areas, and all necessary additional details of the plan have been set," President Zelensky said in his evening video address.

"The most important thing is the determination to implement it," he said.

President Zelensky said there was no alternative to peace, "no war clots or other manipulations that would only delay Russian aggression to another stage".

On Tuesday, President Zelensky said meetings with high commanders had resulted in "good and strong content" in terms of the military, "exactly the type that could significantly strengthen Ukraine".

The Kyiv leader used the peace plan he delivered at the end of 2022 as a basis for negotiations calling for the withdrawal of all Russian troops, the restoration of Ukraine's post-Soviet borders and a means to hold Russia accountable for its invasion.

The plan became the focal point for the "peak meeting of peace" hosted by Switzerland in June with participants pledging to hold a second summit later this year.

Russia was not invited to a June summit and branded it meaningless, although Ukraine and its allies said Moscow could attend the next meeting.

President Zelensky himself has rejected any negotiated ideas, while Russian troops occupy nearly 20 percent of the country's territory

On the other hand, Russia has repeatedly said it is willing to negotiate, but set aside discussions as long as Ukrainian troops are still in the Kursk region after launching an attack on the area last month.