8 Tips For Reviving Romantic Feelings In Couples In Marriage

JAKARTA - Years after getting married, there are couples who are still struggling with ideas about how to be romantic in a relationship.

Creating romance in a marriage relationship is easy if you pay attention to the following things, according to information from Marriage, Wednesday, September 18.


Bonding or ties are created through experiences that bring your partner closer. This can be realized through acts of affection, gift giving, memories, meaningful conversations, laughter, and intimacy.


Romance should be a fun experience; and is often reflected in various fun activities such as going to theaters, carnivals, attending parties together, or playing games.


Humor is the main element in most romantic relationships. Couples with a good sense of humor will like small jokes, funny greeting cards, comics, and laughing at things that don't make sense.


After a long time together, your partner can share memories with reminiscence of the past. Looking at old photos or revisiting places of dating that are often visited first, can revive old feelings and thus strengthen ties.


Sex, romance, and relationships, everything goes hand in hand, sex in a romantic relationship is the most important part. Introducing new elements into your sex life, or simply engaging in sexual activity more often, will certainly increase romance. Although romance can lead to intimacy, intimacy and romance can trigger each other.


Spontaneity, an extraordinary activity that fosters a sense of adventure, such as climbing in the forest together, "loses" while driving or exploring new, fun places is the right way to create romance through adventure.


Romance can invite you to respect your partner. Likewise, appreciating your partner will create a urge to start romantic activities with your partner.


Passion involves strong feelings of enthusiasm and joy, as well as feelings of love and strong or urgent desire. Romance feeds elements that form a love relationship. Without that, the desire and admiration for each other will almost certainly fade, making relationships boring and mediocre.

Understanding the importance of practicing romance in relationships will add sparks in love life. Extend feelings of being connected, and produce true happiness over the years to come.