Menpora Imam Nahrawi Becomes A Corruption Suspect In Today's Memory, September 18, 2019

JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, September 18, 2019, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Imam Nahrawi as a suspect in a corruption case. The determination shocked the whole of Indonesia.

Previously, allegations of corruption against Imam Nahrawi emerged from the trial of his subordinates. The facts of the trial made Imam suspected of receiving bribes that he used for donations, personal interests, and the cost of securing corruption cases.

The government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is proud to appoint Imam Nahrawi as Menpora from the 2014-2019 era. Imam also shows his capacity. He often appreciates the steps of national athletes who excel.

He even guaranteed that the search for bonuses for outstanding athletes would take place quickly. Khalayak also had time to consider the Ministry of Youth and Sports as one of the clean ministries. Alias is far from being hit by corruption issues. However, time also shows the ulcers of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The KPK has detained many ranks through arrest operations. They include the Secretary General of the Central KONI, Ending Fuad Hamidy and the Treasurer of the Central KONI, Johnny F. Awuy. The KPK also arrested Deputy IV for Achievement Improvement and Sports at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mulyana, as well as Commitment Making Officer of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Adhi Purnomo and his staff member, Eko Triyanto, mid-December 2018.

The arrests were related to various corruption cases. Mainly, regarding grant funds from Kempora related to the supervision and selection assistance of prospective athletes and coaches of the 2019 SEA Games. The trial opened the veil that Imam received a facilitation money.

Imam did not accept it directly. This is because all the money came in through his personal assistant, Miftahul Ulum. Imam also continued to deny his involvement in the corruption case that involved him. He considered that he did not accept bribes from the 2014-2018 period.

This condition made Imam believe that he would not be touched by the KPK. If other officials resign quickly, Imam chooses the opposite by continuing to work.

Armed with the facts that appeared at the trial and the verdict, KPK investigators investigated the involvement of Imam and Ulum for two months. Arriving at the title of the case on August 22, 2019, the five KPK leaders agreed to raise the Imam and Ulum cases to investigation.

The KPK leadership then issued an investigation warrant with the number Sprin.Dik/93/DIK.00/01/08/2019 for the suspects Miftahul Ulum and Sprin.Dik/94/DIK.00/01/08/2019 dated August 28, 2019 on behalf of the suspect Imam Nahrawi. After the issuance of this investigation warrant, the KPK then asked the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to prevent Imam and Ulum from traveling abroad, "wrote Linda Trianita to Irsyan Hasyim in his writing in Tempo magazine entitled Suap Disposition Minister(2019).

The KPK immediately carried out an investigation. The KPK tried to move quickly to trace the bribery case that led to the Menpora, Imam. As a result, the KPK immediately announced the status of Imam as a corruption suspect on September 18, 2019.

Imam became a suspect in the alleged bribery related to the distribution of financing with the government assistance scheme through the Ministry of Youth and Sports in KONI for the 2018 Fiscal Year. He was also indicated to have participated in accepting other bribes from 2014-2018.

In the 2014 2018 range, Imam as Menpora through Ulum as the personal assistant of the Minister of Youth and Sports is suspected of having received Rp14.7 billion. In addition to receiving the money, in the 2016-2018 period, IMR as the Minister of Youth and Sports is suspected of also asking for a total of Rp11.8 billion, up to a total of Rp26.5 billion.

"The money is suspected to be a commitment fee for the management of a grant proposal submitted by KONI to the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the 2018 fiscal year, receipts related to the Chairman of the Steering Committee of Satlak Prima and other receipts related to the position of IMR as Menpora. The money is allegedly used for the personal interests of the Minister of Youth and Sports and other related parties," said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah in a press release, quoted by the KPK website the day after, September 19, 2019.