Prosecutor's Office Investigate Allegations Of Corruption In NTB Convention Center Development Guarantee Fund

The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Prosecutor's Office is investigating a case of alleged corruption in the NTB Convention Center (NCC) development guarantee fund.

Spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputera, confirmed the investigation into the alleged corruption case.

"Yes, it's still an investigation," he said in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, September 17, was confiscated by Antara.

Regarding a number of regional officials undergoing clarification from the prosecutor today, Efrien admitted that he had not received any information.

"Regarding who the official was questioned for today, I have not received any information. What is certain is today," he said.

From observations, there were two regional officials who visited the NTB Prosecutor's Office, namely the Head of the NTB Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Iswandi and the Acting Head of the NTB Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Ervan Anwar.

According to information, Iswandi underwent clarification from the prosecutor while serving as Head of BPKAD NTB. However, after undergoing the prosecutor's clarification, Iswandi refused to provide information.

"Just ask the investigators," said Iswandi.

When asked about the management of the NCC, he also refused to provide information on the grounds that he did not know it.

"I don't know. Just ask the NTB Prosecutor's Office," he said, who immediately rushed to leave the crowd of journalists.

As for Ervan, who now serves as Acting Head of BPKAD NTB, he dismissed the prosecutor's clarification regarding the alleged corruption case in the NCC guarantee fund.

"Ordinary meeting. Regarding the assets of the NTB Provincial Government in the field of datun (perdata and state administration). The investigation of the NCC does not know," said Ervan.

The NTB Provincial Government's assets which are being discussed with the NTB Prosecutor's Office, he explained, are related to Jalan Keruak, East Lombok Regency to the Kuta area, Central Lombok Regency.

Because it is related to roads, Ervan said that the Street Hall from the Ministry of PUPR was also involved in discussing these assets.

"So, it has nothing to do with the NCC," he said.

The construction of the NCC, which aims to be a forum for international standard convention activities, was initially collaborated by the NTB Provincial Government with PT Indosinga Invetama Lombok in 2010.

In the draft PT Indosinga Invetama Lombok, the construction of the NCC building which occupies a government area of 3.2 hectares in Mataram City is worth IDR 384 billion.

The company based in Bali belongs to a foreign national from Singapore. The cooperation that was built used a build on operation transfer (BOT) system or built managed and controlled for 30 years.

From the cooperation contract which was then signed by the Governor of NTB TGH Zainul Majdi with the Director of PT Indosinga, the NTB Provincial Government will receive compensation of Rp12 billion.

However, after the agreement, the construction did not go according to the agreement. According to the news, the Director of PT Indosinga Lim Chong Siong died so that the cooperation did not continue.

Then, at the end of April 2013, the NTB Provincial Government announced the winner of the tender for the NCC development project worth Rp360 billion, namely PT Lombok Plaza based in Bali and Lombok.

PT Lombok Plaza beat its rival PT Blitz Property based in Jakarta. The two investors are part of eight investors who underwent a beauty contest organized by the NTB Provincial Government in late 2012.

As the winner of the tender, PT Lombok Plaza took over the management of assets belonging to the NTB Provincial Government by tearing down the building that had previously been built by PT Indosinga. The buildings are the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Health Laboratory and offices.

Until now, it is known that the area is still in the form of vacant land. There are allegations of a cooperation project with PT Lombok Plaza stalled or not running according to the agreement.