Submitting New Rules For Jamsostek Recipients, Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Hopes To Be Adopted In Prabowo's Election
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy revealed that the government is proposing new regulations regarding Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) for Employment Social Security (Jamsostek).
"We are still proposing this, hopefully it can be adopted in a new government," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Rffendy when asked about PBI Jamsostek, after meeting President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Jakarta Presidential Palace complex on Tuesday, September 17 afternoon, which was confiscated by Antara.
Coordinating Minister Muhadjir said the program was still in the piloting stage and focused on the informal worker sector.
To date, he continued, the Jamsostek Program has provided protection to 39.2 million workers, 2.8 million of whom are vulnerable workers who are prone to falling back into extreme poverty.
He said that for now the allocation of aid is still limited to PBI in the National Health Insurance (JKN) sector, with encouragement from the regional government (Pemda).
Coordinating Minister Muhadjir also explained that RPJMN targets protection for 20 million vulnerable workers, but the priority now is vulnerable formal workers, especially in the context of Termination of Employment (PHK).
"There are not all informal workers who are not vulnerable, but many formal workers who are vulnerable are also high, we are now focusing on formal workers, including layoffs, we are effective in functioning employment insurance," he said.
Coordinating Minister Muhadjir Effendy said the rules for PBI Jamsostek, which is now managed by the Employment Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS), are still in the proposed stage and are expected to be adopted by the government in the near future.