Survey Of Ganjar Is Soaring, PDIP Party: The Candidate For Presidential Election Will Be Determined By Megawati

JAKARTA - PDIP Party Secretary-General Hasto Kristiyanto responded to the results of the Charta Politika Indonesia survey which placed Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo in second position as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Although Ganjar is the PDIP Party cadre who gets the highest votes, Hasto said, the determination of presidential candidate pairs in the upcoming 2024 General Election already has a mechanism regulated in party rules.

"There is already a mechanism for the presidential election, Megawati will decide who is the candidate pair", said Hasto in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 30.

Currently, said Hasto, the most important thing for all cadres to do is work hard to prepare all levels of the party structure. As well as consolidating to get the highest electoral party.

"For us, we continue to fight for the main interests of the people", said Hasto.

Previously, the survey institute Charta Politika Indonesia released a number of presidential candidates who received the most votes in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

In the presidential election simulation with the top five names, Prabowo Subianto won with 22.2 percent of the vote, followed by Ganjar Pranowo 20 percent, Anies Baswedan 14.2 percent, Sandiaga Uno 12.7 percent, and Ridwan Kamil 9.2 percent.

Ganjar Pranowo is a PDIP Party cadre who currently gets the highest number of votes.

Meanwhile, other PDI Party cadres who received votes in the survey included Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini with 5.3 percent of the votes, and Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, 1.2 percent.