Aware Of The Rules, ODOL Truck Volunteers Are Normalized By The Director General Of Land Transportation

BANDA ACEH - Directorate General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, continues to eradicate Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) trucks. Unlike other regions, a number of transportation entrepreneurs have actually volunteered their vehicles to be cut according to regulations.

"For the normalization of trucks towards ODOL-Free 2023, we have cut voluntarily from truck managers who submit to our carcassion of approximately 15 trucks and there are 2 trucks (dump trucks and box trucks) today that we present to be normalized," said the Head of the Land Transportation Management Office (BPTD) Region I Aceh Province, Mulyahadi, Sunday, March 28.

On that occasion, the Director-General of Land Transportation (Dirjen Hubdat) Budi Setiyadi, asked the Head of the Provincial and Regency/City Transportation Service in Aceh which has a Motor Vehicle Periodic Test Implementation Unit (UPUBKB) to further tighten the inspection of trucks that do not comply with their provisions.

"From now on, trucks that do not match their dimensions, whether through service bureaus or otherwise, please not be tested. Currently, we no longer use KIR books because many are faked," said Director General Budi.

According to Budi, currently, trucks that do not match the dimensions, either through service bureaus or otherwise, should not be tested. The Ministry of Transportation also no longer uses the KIR book because it has been faked.

Regarding the normalization activities of ODOL trucks in Aceh, Budi assessed that in the city which has the nickname Serambi Makkah (Porch of Makkah), there were not too visible violations of its gasoline.

"That's why I entrusted the Head of Transportation Department (Kadishub) and the Directorate of Traffic of Regional Police (Dirlantas Polda), although the violations here are not too big, we are grateful for the awareness of the operators in Aceh to normalize," said Budi.

Based on data from the Service Unit of Motor Vehicle Weighing Implementation Unit (UPPKB) in the Aceh Region, the rate of ODOL violations in the Aceh region from January to March 2021 has reached 20,000 vehicles with the number of over-loading vehicles reaching 12,000 units or as much as 63 percent.