Google Finally Overcomes Old Problems On Alarm Features In Assistant

JAKARTA - Google has addressed problems that users have complained about for a long time regarding the alarm settings feature in Google Assistant. Now, users can set the alarm more than 24 hours before, something previously impossible to do and often raise error messages.

This improvement is expected to make it easier to use the alarm feature, which previously forced users to manually set it through the Jam application if they wanted to set an alarm for longer periods of time.

Prior to this update, when users try to set the alarm for the next 24 hours, Google Assistant and Gemini will display error messages. Users are told that alarms cannot be set more than 24 hours earlier, so the options available are to manually set them up or use repeated alarms. However, based on information from technology expert Artem Russakovskii on platform X, Google has updated its virtual assistant so that this problem is no longer happening.

With this update, users can directly use voice commands to set the alarm for the next 24 hours. Simply by using commands such as Set an alarm for [time] on [day], Google Assistant and Gemini will automatically add the desired alarm to the Jam app.

While Google is slowly trying to encourage users to switch from Google Assistant to Gemini, such an update shows that Google is still supporting and updating features in the Assistant.

Many users are still loyal to using Assistants, although Gemini comes with a variety of new feature updates. However, seeing Gemini's development speed trend, Google Assistant is likely to eventually be replaced by the new assistant in the future.