7 Tips For Eliminating Kerutan In Dahi For Smooth Faces

JAKARTA - The appearance of wrinkles and lines on the forehead is a natural process that cannot be separated as you get older. Even so, it is possible that young people also have wrinkles on their foreheads. Well, there are a number of simple tricks that can be done to reduce it or eliminate it. With a note, you have to do it regularly and slowly every day. What are those?

Dehydration on the skin damages collagen and elastin, which causes new fine lines and wrinkles to form. Because the skin requires hydration, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. In this way, the skin will be softer and smoother, so that the wrinkles on the forehead will decrease.

Hard cleaners will remove natural oil and moisture from the skin. This causes dry skin that will make the wrinkles on your forehead appear prominent. According to Dr. Aseem Sharma, Head of Skin dermatologist Saga Center for Dermatology, Mumbai, quoted from Pink Villa, Thursday, September 5, avoid harsh chemicals in cleaners such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and fragrances. Because it can remove natural oil and cause irritation. In addition, avoid paraben and formaldehyde release, which are associated with hormonal and allergic disorders.

Using a quality moisturizer regularly can be a miracle for your skin. Choose a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid because it will increase skin elasticity, help fight signs of aging, even if you have wrinkles on your forehead at the age of 18.

Damage to sunlight is one of the main causes of premature aging which can accelerate the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead. It is very important for you to protect the skin from harmful sunlight. To do so, you can use a broad spectrum sunscreen, containing a minimum SPF of 30.

Adding retinol-based skin care products to routines can change everything. Retinol has been shown to increase natural collagen production, which in turn helps improve skin texture and minimize wrinkles.

Do regular facial exercises that target the muscles in the forehead area. This can make the forehead look finer, thereby reducing the impact of wrinkles on the forehead. Your face is stretched. With open eyes, place your hands on the forehead so that the tips of all fingers face each other, then move the eyebrows and petals up. Hold this position for 5 seconds. This dress is beneficial for the forehead muscles and hold the eyebrows, helping to reduce wrinkles in the area.

Stay away from smoking and drinking alcohol or limit consumption of these products. These habits are known to make you age quickly. In addition, you can also start consuming balanced foods rich in antioxidants to improve skin health.