President Yudhoyono And Jokowi Will Not Blame Each Other In Today's Memory, September 5, 2014

JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, September 5, 2014, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) emphasized that he and the elected president, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will not blame each other in the transitional power process. The goal is that the transition process can run smoothly and remain in coordination.

Previously, SBY tried to become a true statesman. He tried to prove himself to be neutral in the 2014 presidential election contestation. SBY did not side with Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto or Jokowi.

Neutrality affairs as state officials in political contestation, especially the presidential election, are not easy. Usually each official gives way to its succession to advance. Some are secretly. Some are openly.

SBY is not included in both. The two-term Indonesian president will firmly uphold neutrality in the 2014 presidential election. He did not side with the presidential and vice presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa. Moreover, Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla (JK).

SBY admitted that he did have a large capacity to become a jurkam. However, he did not take this option. He tried to set an example that the hope of maintaining the constitutional mandate so that the election would be carried out by Luber Jurdil (direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair).

Never mind taking sides with the presidential candidate. SBY just tried to separate himself between his interests and the interests of the Democratic Party. SBY's decision was also greeted with great fanfare. SBY is considered to have stood on behalf of the Indonesian people.

He was hailed as a true statesman. Even SBY did not have a big head. He continues to carry out his activities as President who guarantees the presence of the Luber Jurdil election. He asked the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to be neutral.

SBY also asked the TNI and Polri to do the same. This step is so that the dignity of the TNI and Polri institutions remains respected by the community. Because, without a big role, they secure the 2014 presidential election. There may be a lot of fraud, money politics, and intimidation.

"The prediction in 2013 and 2014 is that the year politics invites comments from various circles. Not stopping the President, SBY and Vice President, Boediono reminded the importance of paying attention to this political year. The President, SBY, said that all state servants, including government officials in the election, must be truly neutral and educate, especially the TNI and Polri.."

"Netral, disproportionate, and do not do anything that comes out of the rules of law and ethics. For members of the Cabinet as well as governors, regents and mayors who come from political parties, when they have to carry out political missions in the series of elections in 2014," explained Achmad Fachrudin in the book Jalan Terjal Towards the 2014 Election (2013).

SBY's decision was neutral and then made the presidential election that took place on July 9, 2014 run smoothly. Recently, the Jokowi-JK pair dominated the vote. This victory made Jokowi-JK immediately form a government transition team.

President SBY and president-elect Jokowi are committed not to blame each other between the government and the transition team on September 5, 2014. SBY stated that he would oversee the government until October 20.

No one blames each other's performance. No one corneres each other. Everything so that the transition process can run smoothly. This condition makes SBY committed to helping the transition process so that the new government can immediately work. SBY doesn't want to hinder it, as long as everything is coordinated.

"There is no need to blame each other, for example the Transitional Team criticizes government policies and we (the government) do not need to blame the team's policies," SBY said at a plenary cabinet meeting as quoted on the page, September 5, 2014.