Ministry Of Health Receives 542 Doctor Bullying Reports In A Number Of Hospitals
JAKARTA - Acting Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi explained that until now there are 542 reports related to bullying or bullying that are included in the Ministry of Health data.
"So what is included in the complaint channel is 1,500 reports, but then we have to verify whether 1,500 is really bullying because this is very subjective. Of the 1,500, 540 are really categorized as being involved in cases of bullying," Nadia said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 3.
Nadia conveyed this to respond to cases of bullying in the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS) against the student of the Diponegoro University Anestesi Department (Undip) Doctor Aulia Risma Lestari.
He also said that of the 542 cases of bullying, 221 of them occurred in several vertical hospitals (RS) under the Ministry of Health.
"It is at M. DJamil-Padang Hospital-, Mohammad Hoesin-Palembang Hospital-, Adam Malik Hospital-Medan-, even at RSCM-Jakarta- also exists, then Hasan Sadikin-Bandung Hospital-, Kariadi-Semarang Hospital-, Wahidin Sudirohusodo-Makassar Hospital-, Kandou-Manado Hospital-, almost all of the vertical hospitals of the Ministry of Health where this hospital is indeed an educational vehicle for most specialist medical education," he said.
He said, specifically at the RSCM, there were approximately two or three reported cases of bullying, so he emphasized that there must be major changes in the PPDS environment so that bullying is not considered normal.
"This means that there must be major changes not to preserve things that are considered like habits, or which are then used as normal," he said.
He also said that if bullying occurs in a vertical hospital of the Ministry of Health, the investigation team will be dispatched, and if the perpetrator is proven to have bullied, he will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Health issued in July 2023.
"It is clear there that the Instruction of the Minister of Health regulates efforts to prevent bullying in the Ministry of Health agencies. So we have clearly regulated who will get the sanctions," he said.
Previously, Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the bullying experienced by Doctor Aulia Risma Lestari was less committed than stakeholders in solving problems.
"This bullying has not been completed in full for decades, because it is a lack of commitment from stakeholders. Since taking office this is the third time, I ask that this be eliminated," said Minister of Health Budi.