Viral 'Geng WNI' Makes Japanese Citizens Uneasy, DPR Asks The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs To Investigate The Truth

JAKARTA - The activity of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) has made gangs in Japan uneasy for local residents, viral on social media. Commission I of the DPR asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) to pay serious attention to this because it involves the image of Indonesia.

"We ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct an investigation regarding the video 'geng WNI' on the Japanese streets, and if the information is correct, please immediately address it because it can damage Indonesia's good name in the international world," said Member of Commission I DPR, Junico BP Siahaan, Tuesday, September 3.

In the viral news circulating, the geng WNI' on the Japanese road is said to have caused unrest because it makes it difficult for people who want to pass. Included in social media uploads, someone pointed a sickle but his face closed. The location of the incident allegedly occurred in Osaka, Japan.

"This is an important matter, especially if it is suspected that there are dangerous goods. We ask the Government, in this case the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to carry out an immediate investigation," he said.

Currently, the Government has conducted a search regarding this information through the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo and the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Osaka. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also tries to communicate with representatives of Indonesian citizens in Japan.

Nico said that supervision of Indonesian citizens abroad should not be just a formality. He also encouraged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to cooperate with the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) to address this issue, including in terms of monitoring Indonesian workers abroad.

"Supervision should not only be carried out in a formality. There must be an intensive and effective monitoring system," said Nico.

"This cross-institutional coordination is very important. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Indonesian Embassy and the Indonesian Consulate General in need to actively coordinate with BP2MI to enlighten our workers outside," continued the legislator from the West Java I electoral district.

Nico assessed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can also cooperate with BP2MI to evaluate the protection mechanism of Indonesian citizens. In this case, including an increase in the intensity of supervision and debriefing to prevent similar incidents in the future.

"Because if the briefing only focuses on the technical aspects of work, it's not enough. But there must be assistance on how Indonesian citizens must respect the laws, culture, and social aspects of the country where they are," Nico explained.

"The education provided must emphasize the importance of compliance with local law and the moral responsibility of PMI as the nation's ambassador," he added.

Nico said that Indonesia's face is actually in the hands of Indonesian workers and students abroad. They are unconsciously a reflection of Indonesia abroad, so they must be given more briefing for this.

"They can be a reflection of Indonesia, if they carry out this disturbing activity it will have an impact on Indonesia as well. So education and debriefing are very important to do," explained Nico.

Nico asked every Indonesian citizen to take care of each other and remind each other. In this case, the nodes of Indonesian society in Japan can be involved to provide socialization.

"Wherever we are, we must maintain the good name of the nation. Because the stereotype of the attitude of our people abroad can affect relations between countries. We hope that all Indonesian citizens abroad give a good impression," concluded Nico.