Regarding The Oil Refinery Fire In Balongan, Pertamina: Fuel Stock Is Safe, And Plenty, No Need To Panic Buying!

JAKARTA - Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati guarantees that the stock of fuel oil (BBM) is safe following the fire of the Refinery in Balongan on Monday, March 29, in the early hours of the morning. Therefore, she asked the public not to worry.

"We ask the public not to panic with the existing issues. So that panic buying is unnecessary because the supply (BBM) is safe", she said in a virtual press conference, Monday, March 29.

Nicke said that until now the fire of the refinery in Balongan had only been observed around the tank. So, she said, there would be no supply constraints because the main refineries were not affected.

In this fuel supply pattern, said Nicke, her party carried out a scenario, even when conditions have to operate in an emergency situation. The scenario in question is to optimize products from other refineries.

"We are optimizing products from other refineries, and we will distribute them directly to areas that have been supplied from the Balongan Refinery, namely in the Jakarta and Cikampek areas", she explained.

On the same occasion, Pertamina's Director of Logistics and Infrastructure Mulyono emphasized that the national fuel stock was safe. He explained that gasoline stocks were recorded at 10.5 million barrels and are estimated to be sufficient for the next 27 to 28 days.

"So there is no problem with gasoline because the demand is 390 Mb or 62.5 thousand kiloliters", he said.

Meanwhile, she said, there are 8.8 million barrels of diesel stock available or enough for the next 20 days. Meanwhile, Avtur (Jet fuel) is still available 3.2 million barrels or enough for 74 days of consumption.

"So once again, there is no need to panic. The stock is plenty. This is because conditions are not normal yet, so there is not much consumption", he said.

Mulyono said the Balongan refinery has been serving Balongan, Cikampek and Plumpang. Meanwhile, Plumpang is supplied by pipeline, so the stock is not high because it can be pumped from the Balongan fuel terminal at any time.

For Plumpang, the gasoline stock is sufficient for the next 12 to 13 days and diesel for the next 13 days. Meanwhile, Cikampek has enough gasoline stock for 13 days and diesel for 10 days.

Mulyono said, for Balongan, the gasoline stock is also sufficient. Even enough for more than 10 days and diesel enough for over 20 days.

"Earlier it was said that the refinery had no problems, normal shutdown. So, as soon as the fire can be handled, production can start immediately", he explained.

On the other hand, Mulyono said the blackout will last for 4 to 5 days and the estimated loss of refinery production is around 400 thousand barrels. This loss will be supplied through the Cilacap refinery and the RDPU refinery.