Civil Society Coalition Reports Alleged Corruption In The Procurement Of Eye Gas To KPK
JAKARTA - The Civil Society Coalition for Police Reform reported allegations of corruption related to the procurement of tear gas by the National Police to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Deviations in the process carried out are suspected to have occurred and are said to have harmed the state."We conveyed that there were at least a few things related to potential irregularities that occurred," said Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Coordinator Agus Suryanto to reporters at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, September 2.The first deviation is an alleged tender conspiracy that leads to a particular brand. “ Then the second is related to an indication of mark-ups or price expensiveness carried out by the procurement committee,” he said.Agus said that the procurement committee was allegedly not careful when drafting the budget, especially regarding projectile launchers or tear gas launchers in 2022 and 2023. “ Allegations of mark-ups indications reached around Rp26 billion,” he said."We have conveyed that to the KPK leadership, including the public complaint section, so that it will be immediately followed up because once again the budget used is sourced from the APBN," continued Agus.Furthermore, Agus said that the report submitted by the Civil Society Coalition for Police Reform to the KPK was considered appropriate. This is because the institution is given the authority to handle corruption cases within other law enforcement officers.The Civil Society Coalition that made the report to the KPK consisted of 17 institutions. Among them, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), LBH Pers, the Indonesian Journalists Alliance (AJI), PSHK, Kontras, Remotivi, ICJR, Greenpeace, and others.
“ I hope they have one thing, one is the courage to deal with cases involving APH. Then the second can be a legacy to the next leadership so that they really dare to handle cases that are not just state administrators,” he said."Because once again, corruption that occurs or involves law enforcement officers will actually damage the image of the law enforcer himself," Agus concluded.