KY Waits For The Official Letter Of Rejection Of 12 Candidates For Supreme Court Justices From The DPR

The Judicial Commission (KY) is waiting for an official letter from Commission III of the DPR regarding the rejection of all candidates for Supreme Court justices and candidates for judges of hoaxes (HAM) at the Supreme Court (MA) in 2024.

KY Spokesperson Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata said the letter would later be brought to a plenary meeting to determine the institutional attitude of KY.

"Until now, KY has not received an official letter from Commission III of the DPR RI regarding the rejection of nine candidates for Supreme Court justices and three prospective judges at the Supreme Court, so we do not know exactly the reasons for the rejection of all these candidates," Mukti said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 29.

He said that KY constitutionally has the authority to propose the appointment of Supreme Court justices, as regulated in Article 24B of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI).

Dan KY telah melakukan seleksi calon hakim Agung dan calon hakimad hobHAM di MA sesuai prosedur dan ketentuan yang berlaku, tegas Mukti yang juga Anggota KY itu.

Mukti explained that the plenary session of KY decided to relax the administrative requirements for the two candidates for Supreme Court justices in the Special Tax Chamber because there were no tax judges who had experience 20 years as judges and considering the conditions of urgent needs in the Supreme Court.

The DPR previously agreed not to give approval to all candidates for Supreme Court justices and hoax judges at the 2024 Supreme Court which was proposed by KY to the DPR for a fit and proper test.

This was decided after all factions in Commission III of the DPR expressed their views on the error in the selection mechanism for candidates for Supreme Court justices and Hakimads so that they passed candidates who did not meet the requirements.

According to Commission III of the House of Representatives, there are two candidates for Supreme Court justices in the Special Taxation TUN Chamber who do not meet the requirements for a 20-year experience as a judge.

The two candidates for Supreme Court justices are Hari Sih Advianto, who has eight years of experience as a judge and 14-year-old Tri Hidayat Wahyudi as a judge.