Gerindra Holds Rapimnas In Hambalang Tomorrow, Closed By Jokowi In Senayan

JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party will hold a national leadership meeting (Rapimnas) which will be held on 30-31 August 2024. This was conveyed by the Secretary General of Gerindra Ahmad Muzani.

The plan is for the opening of the National Rapimnas to be held at the residence of General Chair Prabowo Subianto in Hambalang, Friday, August 30, tomorrow. The National Rapimnas will be closed by President Joko Widodo in Senayan on Saturday, August 31.

"The Gerindra Party, God willing, will hold a National Leadership Meeting starting tomorrow from August 30 to 31," said Muzani at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, August 29.

Muzani explained that the national leadership meeting was the highest decision-making forum under Congress, and was held by the Central Leadership Council (DPP) with the approval of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prabowo Subianto.

Muzani said that the Rapimnas will be attended by the Gerindra Party Branch Leadership Council (DPC) at the Regency/City level from all over Indonesia, provincial level DPD from all over Indonesia, DPP, Advisory Board, Expert Council and Board of Trustees.

"Pak Prabowo plans to open the rapimnas on August 30, Friday, and the plan is for Rapimnas to be closed on the 31st, Saturday night by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo," explained Muzani.

Muzani added that the closure would be accompanied by an apple of Gerindra Party cadres at the Indonesia Arena, Senayan, Central Jakarta.

"The important things that become the political stance of the Gerindra Party will be discussed in the Rapimnas, the results of which will be announced at the closing of the National Rapimnas," he said.

Meanwhile, the matter of Congress, continued Muzani, will be held in 2025. This Rapimnas, he said, would recommend the implementation of the party congress.

"This is the highest decision-making forum under the congress and it will recommend the implementation of the party congress. Later at the party congress, what will be the party's highest power will be done. The plan is according to regulations in 2025," he concluded.