Getting Ready! Tomorrow BNI Distributes Dividends To Shareholders

JAKARTA - PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. (BNI) plans to hold the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on Monday, March 29 with one of the agendas to be decided is the distribution of dividends for the 2020 financial year.

In addition, BNI will carry out eight other meeting agenda items at the Annual GMS.

Citing the disclosure of information conveyed to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the provisions of this meeting are in accordance with Article 21 paragraph 2 jo. Article 26 of the Company's Articles of Association and Article 70 and Article 71 of Company Law.

It is stated that the board of directors must submit a proposal for the use of the company's net profit if it has a positive profit to be decided by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

"The Board of Directors plans to submit a proposal for the use of the company's 2020 net profit for dividends and retained earnings," said BNI's written statement as quoted on Sunday, March 28.

Throughout 2020, BNI recorded a net profit of IDR 3.28 trillion. Even so, this figure contracted 78.7 percent compared to the 2019 achievement. The pandemic factor was suspected to be the cause of the depressed performance of the red-plate bank last year.

Furthermore, BNI in 2020 will distribute dividends of IDR 3.85 trillion for the 2019 business year. In addition to the dividend distribution agenda, the BUKU IV category bank will determine the salary/honorarium, facilities, and allowances for the company's strategic officials for the period of 2021.

Then, the royalty for the 2020 financial year for the company's directors and board of commissioners, and changes in the composition of the company's management.