Javanese King Asked Bahlil Lahadalia: Political Jokes Or Dynasty Justification?

JAKARTA The Javanese king became the public's attention after Bahlil Lahadalia mentioned the term during a speech conveying his vision and mission at the Golkar Party XI National Conference at the Jakarta Convention Center, Wednesday (21/8/2024). It is not clear who Bahlil was referring to at that time, but almost everyone believes that the Javanese King refers to one name.

Bahlil also asked Golkar cadres not to dare to play with a figure he called the King of Java, because it could bring harm.

"If we play with this Javanese king, it's bad for us. I just want to tell you not to try to play with this item. Wow, I'm excited about this item," said Bahlil.

Bahlil's remarks about the Javanese King suddenly seized public attention. However, the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta as well as the King of the Yogyakarta Palace Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X was reluctant to respond to Bahlil's statement, who had just served as the Golkar Ketum after being elected by acclamation.

"What is the business (about the Javanese King's speech)? Don't know me about the speech," said the Sultan on the sidelines of the 2024 Regional Election Implementation Coordination Meeting for the Java Region in Yogyakarta.

Bahlil's statement at that time immediately sparked speculation in various circles. Although he did not clearly mention who the Javanese King was, many people linked this term to President Joko Widodo's family.

Towards the end of Jokowi's tenure after two terms leading Indonesia, the former mayor of Solo is accused of making various efforts to perpetuate his power through his two sons. Jokowi is claimed to be building a political dynasty at the end of his leadership.

His eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, has just been elected as vice president after winning the 2024 presidential election. Meanwhile, Kaesang Pangarep was predicted to run in the regional head election, before the intention was hindered by the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the age limit for regional head candidates.

Then, what does Bahlil mean by throwing the phrase Raja Jawa in the midst of the political dynamics of Indonesia which is again volatile ahead of the 2024 Pilkada?

Andriadi Achmad, a political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, said that there were several analysiss that could be studied regarding the Javanese King submitted by Balil Lahadalia at the Golkar Party National Conference.

The first analysis, according to Andriadi, is that the kingdom is synonymous with dynasties in power, where the next generation of kings or Queens will be descendants of the King.

"Second, the Javanese kingdom was very strong in the past, such as the Majapahit kingdom, and until now it is still being admitted by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta (Sultan Hamengkubuwono) and the Sultanate of Surakarta (Pakubuwono)," he told VOI.

"Third, absoluteism in government. Whatever the king's orders, no one can argue. The king's statement is always right and must be implemented," he added.

From the three analyses mentioned, Andriadi emphasized that the royal system is different from the democratic system currently held in Indonesia. Regarding the very strong Javanese King, he suspects that this expression was addressed to Jokowi, who has recently been accused of forming a political dynasty.

"Therefore, Bahlil's statement between offending or criticizing someone a leader behaves like a king. We have read who the Javanese King is referring to, Jokowi," he said.

Meanwhile, Professor of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Prof. Koentjoro questioned Bahlil's reason for calling the Javanese King in the Golkar Party National Conference, because according to him the Indonesian state was not led by the king.

By mentioning the Javanese King in public, Koentjoro considered this to be an acknowledgment that there was a dynasty in the country.

"Is this a dynasty so that his king, son and son-in-law serve as regent and so on? Is this not a strong influence?" he said.

Given that Indonesia is a democratic country, with the mention of a king against a figure or figure, it can be interpreted that there is a slavery from one party to another called the king.

"If someone who is not a king, then is appointed as a king, then there is a servant of someone to the so-called king. In fact, it is clear, this (Indonesia) is a democratic country, not a kingdom," Koentjoro explained.

Meanwhile, according to political analyst Adi Prayitno, the mention of the Javanese King is a form of affirmation from Bahlil that Golkar is a party that is part of power, so it does not maneuver like an enemy in a blanket.

"So never have thoughts or maneuvers on how Golkar is against the government because it is dangerous," said Adi.

In addition, Bahlil Lahadalia also wants to show that he is a confidant of the Javanese King. However, Adi regretted this, which according to Bahlil was just a political joke, was said in an open forum so that it seemed a warning to the public as well.