Even Hollywood Stars Take To Bela Street Solidarity Black Lives Matter

JAKARTA - Racism against black people is difficult to disappear on United States (US) land. Law enforcers often use negative sentiment when they see black people doing activities. Anyone black will be suspected as if a criminal. The racism was clearly shown in the George Floyd case.

Floyd became a victim of police violence until he died. The people of the US and the world are angry. Gelora took to the streets singing Black Lives Matter everywhere. In fact, Hollywood stars joined the Black Lives Matter movement.

The matter of skin color discrimination has become an outdated topic in the world. The difference in black, white, and yellow color means nothing. Everything is the same. All are entitled to life and life.

Problems arise. The security forces of Uncle Sam's country do not make peace with the difference in skin tone. Racism is still thick there. Bad sentiment for black people is often encouraged. They are black people who are often considered criminals, addicts, robbers, to gang members.

The peak of racism claimed lives. George Floyd, his name. Floyd in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic was accused of shopping with counterfeit money in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, on May 25, 2020. The shop's cashier contacted the police and arrived at the time.

Police consisting of Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao immediately moved to arrest George outside the shop. Each policeman has a role. Tuo just in case, Kueng pulled his back, Lane joining his legs, and Chauvin pressed his knee into the neck trunk.

The four police argued that the action was taken because Floyd fought back. The incident was recorded by a pedestrian named halamen.

Floyd was dying and dying while on the ground to the hospital. The incident was then spread from the footage taken byTEN. The USII condemns the cruel and evil actions of the Minneapolis police.

In the video, Floyd repeatedly says please and I can't breathe. My brother told the police to let the man go, but ignored. Another pedestrian told Floyd's nose was bleeding and it was best to have his pulse checked. The warning also didn't make the police let him go. "

A few minutes later, Floyd looks motionless again. Chauvin pressed Floyd's neck for about nine minutes. He just let him go after the ambulance arrived. At that time, medical officers had not detected the presence of a pulse. Floyd was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital," said Abdul Manan in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Protests Tak Usai after Floyd (2020).

Floyd's death made the whole US regret it. They regretted the police's actions against blacks. This condition is considered an emergency. Floyd's death must be the last and trigger for police reform and eliminate negative sentiment towards blacks.

Actions took to the streets were chosen. They demanded a fair legal process for the Floyd case. Later the action was known as the Black Lives Matter movement. In fact, the Hollywood star circles were moved to join the people in the heat to voice justice.

Those who took part in the action included Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan, Pink, Ariana Grande, and so on. Michael B. Jordan for example. He didn't just come along. He also expressed his views through loudspeakers.

The film starsCreed(2015) andBlack Panther (2018) in their speeches asked for justice for blacks. He asked studios and agencies in Hollywood to immediately overhaul recruitment practices by making more quotas for blacks.

Jamie Foxx actually voiced a different thing. The film star Django Unchained (2012) and Miami Vice (2006) vented that he, who came from black, was like a tradition of suggesting his family to behave well when there were police.

This condition is because Jamie understands how the police have high negative sentiments towards blacks. He considers the poor image of the police is still told from generation to generation by black families, at the dining table or in the park.

Jamie asked the US government to prepare regulations so that racist police such as Minneapolis police would immediately be eradicated. So that such stories no longer exist. The presence of Hollywood stars taking to the streets proves they not only enjoy wealth, but they are also sensitive to the surrounding environment.

As a result, the protests against the Black Lives Matterkian movement spread. In fact, the movement began to spread throughout the world. The US government itself is also confused. The curfew was implemented in various states. Actions to the streets have taken place in 400 cities in 50 US states since early June 2014.

"What I want to say is that there must be a deterrent. If that person could be handcuffed and that person could sit on the neck, that person would feel comfortable, that means he wasn't afraid of what would happen."

"We have to change the language. They have to worry that I can go to prison because of this. They have to respect us. They have to love us. The demonstrators immediately maintain pressure. We are peaceful, but we are aggressive. We are aggressive," said Jamie Foxx when the Black Lives Matter action was quoted as saying by Isobel Lewis in his report on the independent website.co.uk, June 4, 2020.