Woman Buried Alive Dragged Into 7 Meter Ambles Street In Kuala Lumpur

JAKARTA - A woman fell buried alive and dragged into a 7.9-meter subsidence road in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Citing CBN News, local police chief Sulizmie Affendy Sulaiman said the incident occurred in the Dang Wangi area today, Friday, August 23.

Based on eyewitness testimony, the victim was walking on the sidewalk which suddenly collapsed.

However, Sulizmie said he could not confirm the identity of the victim. He said the police investigation had been carried out.

Joint officers who came to the location after receiving reports of the incident this Friday morning immediately deployed excavators to clean up collapsed hole debris. However, signs of the victim's whereabouts were not found.

"The search will continue until the victim is found," said Sulizmie.