Demo Guarding Constitutional Court Decision, Mass Of Geruduk Students Office Of The Southeast Sulawesi DPRD
JAKARTA - Masses of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) students held a demonstration to guard the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) as a guideline for the 2024 Pilkada requirements on Friday, August 23.
Chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Halu Oleo University (UHO) Defrian said the action was carried out as a form of escort to reject the revision of the Pilkada Law (RUU) which annulled the Constitutional Court's decision.
"Indeed, the DPR RI has canceled, but today's action is of course yesterday, regardless of all that, we are taking action as a form of escort until August 27, 2024," said Defrian in Kendari, Friday, August 23, as reported by Antara.
He said that this action reflected in the process of speeding up the Legislative Council (Baleg DPR) not only for 24 hours to draw up the revision of the Pilkada Law, heeding the Constitutional Court's decision which led to a massive wave of demonstrations by many elements of society which first moved yesterday.
"If this escort arrives until there is a new decision from the KPU so that the registration is implemented. Publicly, we see that the bill has been canceled, but we took the experience yesterday, the government said it was postponed but it is still being implemented, this is what we are afraid of, especially since it has been up to 27 is a very long time," he explained.
Defrian stated that the demonstration would also be held at the Office of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Southeast Sulawesi Province to urge the formation of KPU Regulations by referring to the Constitutional Court and MK70 Decisions.
"So that the systematics of the regulation are implemented, so that the dynamics that occur will immediately subside," said Defrian.
In the same place, Kendari Sada, chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), said that their descent to the streets today was to demonstrate at the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD Office as an effort to fight the oligarchy, which has made the people anxious.
"Of course we have to fight, we can't let it continue to happen, because this is already very detrimental to the people, we can't continue to let them continue to do things that harm the people, today we are down, our spirit is against the oligarchy, against dynasties," said Sada. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial DPRD Andi Raja said that currently the elements of the leadership of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial DPRD are not on the spot, they generally attend political party activities outside the region.
"The element of the leadership of the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD is still in Jakarta in order to attend several party activities, ranging from PAN, Golkar Party, to PDIP," he said when he met the protesters.. When the students were in front of the fence of the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD Office, they jostled with police officers to enter the courtyard of the council office in heavy rain conditions.
Not long after, they were then allowed to enter the courtyard of the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD Office, then entered the room to search and search for council members.