Sincerely Happy The Song Adapted To Be An Interaction Musical

JAKARTA - Jakarta Movin presents a musical Interaction Theater stage which is a big adaptation of the lyrics of singer Tulus' song. The title itself is one of the tracks taken from his latest album, Human.

Nuya Susantono as the producer, director and writer wants to develop musical theater stories to many layers. This time they are interested in choosing the song Tulus which is considered very potential to be developed theatrically.

Teater, musicals have developed and strategies to expand by collaborating with the current music industry. Tulus' song has privileges, one of the singers who listen the most on Spotify but from narratives, the way the theatrical, Tulus is most standing out compared to others," said Nuya Susantono after the show on Thursday, August 23.

"Tulus's songs are that good and have the potential to have a new life," he said again.

They perform curasi yang diambil dari lima album Tulus. Kemudian mereka menyamakan dengan konsep karakter dan ceritanya yang berfokus dengan tangkapan dan kehidupan sehari-hari.

"We see the discography of Tulus' album there are five. We are the group that falls in love, is heartbroken so that there is no repetition and represents one situation in Dio's character. So we choose which one is in line with the motivation of the character that matches Tulus and we see that there is one theme, "said Nuya.

There is something interesting about this Interaction musical where the players have an interaction session with the audience to help continue the storyline.

"His aspiration is to look at our daily lives, humans basically like gossip and how we take it to the stage. So we reflect. That's one of the concepts we make to enrich the story to be more interesting," said Nuya again.

The Interaction Musical also features Alvin Lapian as the main character. He plays Dio, a young man who has feelings for his best friend.

"Actually, the pressure is because Dio's character is tricky when we play a quiver, this dio character is quite tricky, I can feel good. There are many songs, there was a phase where we doubted ourselves but when I went on, Alhamdulillah, I felt like I could get into the character," added Alvin Lapian.

"The process with all of my friends is also a full process of fun. We had a practice and it was said that we were appointed, a thrust fall where I was quite afraid to be high, so how about God help me, "he said.

Sincerely as the owner of the song, it turned out that he had witnessed this musical before it was shown to the public. Nuya revealed that Tulus welcomed the process of adapting the song into one narrative on the story stage.

"He (Tulus) is very happy. From Tulus, he doesn't imagine the songs that were created at different times, the phase of life is far away," said Nuya.

"For example, a song a 5 years ago, the album was only released 2 years ago but it was sewn into a story, ( Sincerely) I didn't expect it," he said.

The Interaction Musical is available to watch from August 23 to 25, 2024 at Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki.