Diplomat Says Nuclear Weapons Never Have A Place In Iran's Defense And Security Doctrine

JAKARTA - Iran's senior diplomat said nuclear weapons never had a place in the country's defense and security doctrine.

"The strategy and doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the peaceful use of nuclear energy. This is in accordance with the needs and development plans as well as based on the country's international rights and obligations based on the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Security Treaty," said Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Miki., reported IRNA 22 August.

He further said that nuclear weapons never had a place in Iran's defense and security doctrines.

"Such baseless and basic claims, which US officials have always expressed with various literature for decades, are aimed at securing Iran's peaceful nuclear program and in line with the Zionist Iranianophobia policy," explained Mizi.

He made the statement in response to a question by the Sputnik news agency to Mike Turner, chairman of the US House intelligence committee, regarding the acquisition of Iran's nuclear weapons by the end of this year.

Furthermore, he said, the history of this approach has also returned to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statements and claims in recent years.

"American officials have mistakenly announced a new deadline for the construction of nuclear weapons by Iran within the framework of Iranophobia's policies over the years, and they have always been proven wrong. The Islamic Republic of Iran has not given any value to such statements and claims," he explained.

"Iran's claim to be a country on the verge of making nuclear weapons has always been repeated by the Israeli regime and its supporters in Washington, but this false position has been proven many times. Repeating these false claims will not affect America, because it will not create interference with the will of the Islamic Republic of Iran to continue and develop its peaceful nuclear program," he added.

Kanani stated, "not to forget, the current situation surrounding Iran's nuclear program is the result of a unilateral and illegal withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA and a violation of all provisions of the 2231 Security Council Resolution, and the position of the guilty and the victim cannot be changed by making such claims."