Thousands Of Students In Makassar Gela Aksi Kawal Putusan MK
Thousands of students from various campuses took action to the streets to oversee the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the nomination of regional elections.
"We see that constitutional disobedience has been carried out by certain parties who have injured democracy. This action is purely guarding our chronicly ill constitution," said Noval, one of the student orators under the Makassar flyover, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 22.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Student Institutional Sub-Directorate of Hasanuddin University, Irdam Ferdiansah, who oversees the student action, stated that hundreds of students participated in guarding the Constitutional Court's decision. This action, he said, was purely a student movement that was bored to see the political conditions in Indonesia increasingly undemocratic.
"Our students come down to voice the reality at this time. They convey pure aspirations. It can be said that at this time our constitution is having a high fever and has become a warning system. We certainly continue to coordinate with BEM students and avoid anarchist actions," he said at the location of the action.
Di tempat yang sama Wakil Direktur Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) yang turut aksi menyampaikan, bukan hanya mahasiswa, tapi pekerja farm, pemuda dan komunitas perempuan juga ikut aksi mengawal putusan MK.
"This action is purely the resistance of the people, workers, farmers, students and women who are trying to fight the destruction of democracy and the constitution. Currently, we all know that the DPR RI is discussing the Pilkada Bill to try to break the Constitutional Court's decision which is legally and binding," he emphasized.
He revealed that the current government regime's efforts together with its coalition political parties are trying to perfectly hijack democracy through the Pilkada Bill to annull the Constitutional Court's decision, resulting in resistance and public protests not only in Makassar, South Sulawesi but other regions also participated in voicing resistance.
"Today, here, student friends, farmers, female laborers, come down with the same goal, build strong solidarity to restore the dignity of the constitution. Because, their demands are clear, rejecting the Pilkada Bill and a number of bills are not in favor of the people. Remember, today's people's movement can overthrow arbitrary regimes," he said.
Previously, the Constitutional Court issued two decisions, namely decision number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 which relaxed the threshold (threshold) for the nomination of regional heads for all political parties and decision number 70/PUU-XXII/2024 which emphasized that the age requirements for the nomination of regional heads must be met at the time of registration.
Later, the DPR through the Legislation Body (Baleg) briefly discussed the Pilkada Bill which was trying to break the Constitutional Court's decision. This was then responded to by various parties, including the community, there were allegations of constitutional disobedience.
From observations so far, thousands of students have packed the road under the flyover of the Andi Pangeran Pettarani-Urip Sumoharjo road. Thousands of students flocked to the action point under the flyover and the adjacent South Sulawesi DPRD office.
The security forces were seen on guard to guard the actions of the thousands of students at two points. The current condition is still conducive, but the protocol road access at the location of the action is blocked by students, resulting in severe congestion.