Minister Basuki Calls IKN Construction Progress Capai 50.4 Percent Until August 20, 2024
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the progress of the construction of the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) project had reached 50.4 percent until August 20, 2024.
In his explanation, Basuki said, currently there are 108 contracted packages divided into three packages that are being worked on.
"IKN infrastructure support in 2024 is IDR 41.41 trillion. The progress of implementing the physical package of IKN on August 20, 2024, as many as 108 packages is 50.4 percent," Basuki said at a Joint Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission V DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 21.
Basuki detailed, the progress of batch 1 with a total of 40 packages reached 91.4 percent. Then, batch 2 as many as 31 packages with progress reached 56.3 percent.
Finally, batch 3 with a total of 30 packages whose progress has reached 14 percent.
As for 2024, the total budget ceiling allocated by the Ministry of PUPR to support the development of basic infrastructure in IKN is IDR 41.41 trillion.
The details, amounting to Rp1.54 trillion, are allocated for the construction of water resource projects, several examples, ranging from the continued Sanggai 1A water flood control (KIPP) to the construction of reservoirs at KIPP.
Lalu, Bina Marga sebesar Rp18,91 triliun untuk mendukung pembangunan jalan akses menuju masjid di Kawasan IKN dan Dermaga Logistik, jalan axi kebangsaan sisi barat dan timur, jalan feeder ktrik Kawasan IKN, Jalan Tol Seksi 1, Seksi 3A, Seksi 3B, Seksi 5A dan 5B serta sejumlah proyek lainnya.
Then, the Directorate General of Human Settlements which handles the construction of IKN settlements worth IDR 12.91 trillion to cover the construction of IPA and supporting buildings SPAM Sepaku, IPAL KIPP IKN, the arrangement of the national axis phase II and several other projects.
Furthermore, the housing sector with the 2024 ceiling budget allocation of IDR 8.05 trillion for the implementation of the optimization and management of construction workers (HPK) IKN, phase II HPK to the implementation of the construction of the TNI Modular residence.