Apart From Boycotts, There Are 4 Hoax News That Hit Atta Halilintar On Social Media

JAKARTA - Atta Halilintar became a victim of hoaxes because of the news that had circulated on the TikTok social media network. Previously, he was reportedly boycotted by two private television networks led by Hary Tanoesoedibjo and Ardi Bakrie.

Apparently, the rumors didn't stop there. Through their social media accounts, Atta Halilintar and his team mentioned several hoax videos that were spread on social media along with the rumors they made.

First they revealed the origin of the boycott video was made by two TikTok accounts. Then Atta was contacted by Hary Tanoe who stated the news was not true and they were being slandered.

After Hary Tanoe, Atta also uploaded the results of a conversation with Ardi Bakrie. They straightened out the news that Ardi would boycott Atta from their television station.

They also said there were rumors about Atta Halilintar being created by irresponsible parties and spread through TikTok.

Atta's party uploaded two TikTok accounts that made the news that Atta Halilintar was cheating on him. The two accounts also edited several video clips as if the news had been confirmed.

"This Instagram account cuts and distributes a slanderous video saying Atta Halilintar is cheating on him," wrote Atta.

"TikTok accounts cut and spread slander videos saying Atta Halilintar was cheating," they added.

There are several parties who create content that Atta is boycotted by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). Through the same post, they mentioned the account that made the untrue news.

"Account editing, spreading untrue videos and spreading hoax news that says KPI boycotts Atta," they said.

Atta is also said to have exposed the disgrace of his father-in-law, Kris Dayanti. With the title, 'Netizens are fought, Atta hits Vanessa, instead exposes his mother-in-law's disgrace.' Then Atta wrote that the video was deliberately made by a hoax account to distribute Kris Dayanti's video that had been cut.

Atta Halilintar was also linked with his wife, Aurel Hermansyah and Fuji. They mentioned the accounts that created the issue to spread hatred. This account edits Aurel's old video cut, then disseminated to slander and spread hatred.