Badan Gizi Nasional Dapat Kucuran Duit APBN 2025 Rp71 Triliun

JAKARTA - The National Nutrition Agency received a budget allocation for the 2025 work program worth IDR 71 trillion, which is sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

Head of the National Nutrition Agency Dadan Hindayana at the Jakarta Presidential Palace complex, said the budget was aimed at supporting the achievement of the target of the golden generation to dealing with stunting problems.

"Meanwhile, it is still IDR 71 trillion," said Dadan Hindayana when asked about the allocation of funds for the National Nutrition Agency as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 20.

When asked about the achievement of the stunting target, Dadan ensured that his party had prepared a strategy so that this goal could be realized.

For operations, Dadan said all operational aspects would also get the attention of the existing budget, but he was reluctant to elaborate further on specific operational budgets.

Ditegaskan, target dan koordinasi dengan Kementerian Sekretariat Negara (Kemensetneg) akan dilakukan segera.

In addition, related to the organizational structure, Dadan informed that the plan to merge the deputy structure will be completed in the near future.

"With this significant budget allocation, it is hoped that the National Nutrition Agency can run its programs effectively and achieve the targets set to support the nutrition of the Indonesian people," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation Number: 83 of 2024 concerning the National Nutrition Agency to optimize the implementation of national nutrition as a manifestation of human rights as guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution.

Considerations on the formation of the National Nutrition Agency to meet national nutrition where the government needs to make efforts to regulate the governance of safe and nutritious consumption for the community.

The National Nutrition Agency is under and responsible to the President, and is tasked with fulfilling national nutrition.