The Action Of An Aniaya's Husband, A Wife, Wearing Scissors In Ciledug, Is Suspected Of Being Burned With Jealousy

JAKARTA The domestic violence (KDRT) experienced by Vera, her husband, Malvin at her house, Jalan Palem 1, Poris Indah, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Sunday morning, August 18, was motivated by jealousy. This was revealed by Nusori, the head of the local RT.

His wife (the victim) often told my wife. He said it was because of jealousy. So her husband was jealous of his wife," said Nusori when met at his house in the Cipondoh area, Tangerang City, Tuesday, August 20.

Still explained by Nusori, he suspected that the perpetrator saw several incidents while his wife was talking to other people. However, Nusori thought that it was natural because the situation was on the market.

"The name is a market person, maybe he has seen it several times," said Nusori.

However, Nusori could not confirm the motive for the domestic violence because according to him the police were more authorized.

The Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol Aryono, said the motive was because his wife did not comply with the perpetrator's request.

However, to confirm this, he will examine witnesses and arrest the perpetrators.

"We have not been able to explain in detail the deeper motive for the case. They are still conducting a series of examination processes for witnesses," he said.