Domestic Violence Cannot Be Allowed, Here Are Tips Out Of Abusive Relationship

JAKARTA - Abusive relations or relationships involving violence are unwanted and dangerous situations for each individual. To avoid this problem, it is important to know and understand the steps that can be taken to protect yourself from abusive relationships. There are several ways that can be done to avoid falling into an abusive relationship.

Setting safety is important. Safety plans can help you outline follow-up steps to reduce risk of danger during the breakup process. Safety plans can include:

Certain factors can make some relationships with violence more dangerous than others. For this reason, there needs to be a plan to end the relationship safely.

To avoid returning to violent relationships, surround yourself with a support system consisting of friends and loved ones knowing the reason you left them. If you've been isolated from the support system so far, call them back and establish good communication.

Missing a partner who has been rude to you is normal, but that doesn't mean you have to stay with him. Even though you like it in a relationship, unfortunately there are more condolences in it.

You can rewrite all the reasons why you decided to leave the relationship. Every time you start missing him, look back at the note as a good reminder of why your relationship is unhealthy and reconnection is not a good idea.

Usually you think about how your partner will feel if or when you leave him. Especially when he commits emotional violence. However, your feelings are also important, and describe whether you prioritize your own well-being.

Remember, leaving an unhealthy relationship is not a stop. Rather, this is a positive decision to choose a healthier life. It is important for you to focus on your own growth and process. Give yourself the good and time to recover.

Always trust intuition because if something feels awkward in relationships it's probably that way. After all, you better understand the situation than anyone else. Listen to your intuition and believe in your own judgment of the safest time to go. You have the power to leave, but only if you're ready.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends increasing financial security can reduce the risk of violence in intimate relationships. Especially if you previously relied on your partner for a place to live and finance, finding a safe place to live and work can start your move towards independence. Build financial independence, including a source of income and savings. This can increase your chances of staying away from your partner.