Vice President Calls The Constitution The Highest Hierarchy To Run Government

Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said the presence of the constitution must be used as a guideline in running a government that guarantees the protection of human rights (HAM) and citizens' rights.

"Constitution is the highest hierarchy in laws and regulations to maintain legal values, justice, freedom, and equality in democracy," said the Vice President in his remarks on the commemoration of Constitution Day and the 79th Anniversary of the MPR RI monitored online in Jakarta, Sunday, August 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

The vice president said that the constitutional day which is commemorated every year is the highest moment of respect for the founding fathers of the nation or the founding fathers who have formulated the foundations of the constitution as an inseparable unit in social life.

On the journey of a nation, continued the Vice President, we have passed various tests in constitution, compliance tests, and obedience in constitution.

"Therefore, in the future we are obliged to maintain resilience and at the same time ensure that our constitution remains responsive to the dynamics of social, political, and economic," said the Vice President.

He also emphasized that the constitution must be able to answer future challenges, becoming a bridge between ideals and realities as well as a bridge between hope and reality.

"Constitution must also create a new direction with the spirit of innovation justice and open wider space for participation for all elements of society," said the Vice President.

In his remarks, the Vice President also said that we should be grateful that the implementation of the 2024 General Election has been well organized. Furthermore, the Simultaneous Pilkada will be held on November 27, 2024.

"I advise all of us to be able to help the success of simultaneous regional elections in their respective regions, to uphold the constitution in the implementation of this year's simultaneous regional elections by continuing to maintain democratic principles, prevent and take firm action against fraudulent practices and prioritize stability and security," said the Vice President.