8,750 Animals Potentially Tulungan Rabies In Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Have Been Vaccinated

JAKARTA - The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Distankan) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, said that as many as 8,750 rabies-contagious animals (HPR) in the area had been vaccinated against antiracies.

"The HPR vaccinations that we have carried out from January to mid-August 2024 are 8,750 individuals, both HPR, types of dogs, cats, and monkeys," said Head of Rejang Lebong Amrul Eby when contacted, Sunday, August 18, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the HPR mass vaccination was carried out in villages/kelurahan that had the most HPR population, considering that the vaccine stock was still limited.

To serve HPR mass vaccination activities in the area, currently, his party still has a stock of 3,500 doses of vaccine.

"This vaccine stock will be used for mass vaccination activities in a number of villages/kelurahan that have been targeted for activities throughout August," he said.

The locations for this HPR mass vaccination activity will be held on August 26 in Curup Kota District, including Adirejo Village, Air Putih Lama, Air Rambai, Dwi Tunggal, Jalan Baru, Pasar Baru, Central Market, Talang Benih, and Timbul Rejo.

Furthermore, on August 27 in the South Curup District covering Air Lanang Village, Tanjung Dalam, Pungguk Lalang and Turan Baru.

Then August 28 in the Bermani Ulu District in Kampung Sajad Village, Pagar Gunung, Sukarami, and Selamat Sudiarjo Villages.

Furthermore, in the Bermani Ulu Raya District on August 29 with the aim of Tapus Plain Village, Babakan Baru, Bangun Jaya, Tebat Tenong Luar, Sumberejo Transad, and Air Bening.

"The HPR population in Rejang Lebong is already more than 30,000 while the vaccine stock is still limited. In the discussion of the 2024 Revised APBD yesterday, we have proposed an additional 3,500 doses of vaccine procurement," he said.

He appealed to residents who have HPR, both dogs, cats, and monkeys, to participate in mass vaccinations carried out in their respective villages/kelurahan so that later they can minimize cases of the spread of the rabies virus due to being bitten by HPR.